Page 7 - KZN Business Sense 8.1
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                                                                    making that manages payroll    Transformation: Managing     Employee Relations Module
                                                                    data, running payroll, managing   your diverse, skilled and   assists users and consultants to
                                                                    human resource function, and   empowered workforce.         manage appeals and discipline
                                                                    reporting to authorities as quick   Employee Exit: Completing   in the workplace as guided
                                                                    and simple as clicking a button.  the life cycle through exit   by the client’s disciplinary
                                                                     Here are some key deliverables   administration to lower   code. It allows for setting up
                                                                    to look out for throughout the   company costs with reference to   this code, recording incidents
                                                                                                                                against an employee, tracking
                                                                    employee’s life cycle ensuring   employee turnover.         discipline, and issuing warnings
                                                                    compliance, employee engagement   Simplify your payroll now no
                                                                    and effective business processes.   matter how big or small your   and dismissal notices. The
                                                                                                                                dashboards and reports highlight
                                                                     Recruitment and Selection: It is   business.  Developed by leading   misconduct trends and enable
                                                                    imperative to make the right hiring   payroll experts and developers,   proactive implementation of best
                                                                    decision for the business to attract   LabourNet’s cloud based PSIber   practice to reduce and policies to
                                                                    and secure the right candidates.  Payroll delivers a truly unique   curb such occurrences. Having
                                                                                                  payroll system that can be    site of payroll and employee
                                                                     On Boarding: It is important for   used by clients in any industry   HR data holistically from one
        Coffee with Grant - Johan van Deventer                      employees to be engaged correctly   and of any size. The system   reliable source is invaluable to an
                                                                    and provided with all the tools to   automates complicated payroll
                                                                    get them up and running.      calculations and processing   everchanging business landscape.
        Johan van Deventer, Regional Manager,   How will you be able to manage                                                   Contact us to find out how we
        Durban                        all your employee information   Remuneration, Benefits and   through its sophisticated yet   can customise a solution that
                                      efficiently, cost-effectively,   Payroll: Related to process   user-friendly functionality –   forms the best extension of your
              mployers or Human       centralised from anywhere at any   employee payments as per   and is easily accessible from   human resource department. 
                                                                    legislative compliance.
                                                                                                  your phone, computer or
              Resource divisions are   given time with minimal risk?                              tablet (Google Play and IOS).
        Eoften faced with the           Facilitating the employee’s   Employee Well-Being: Creating   Reporting is comprehensive   T: +27 (0)31 266 6570
        administration and filing of   full life cycle may be a daunting   work-life balance forms an integral   and flexible, while processing   Helpdesk: +27 (0)11 431 1510
        employee documents such as    task yet having the correct   part of an employee’s motivation   of all statutory requirements is   C: +27 (0)82 786 7480
        CVs, contracts, IDs, licences,   platform including a world class   and work satisfaction.   both simple and accurate.  E:
        medicals, employee disciplinary   payroll function to support the   Learning and Development: In                        W:
        records, leave, etc. This     Human Resources process, will   the world of change companies   With PSIber’s API capabilities
        documentation gets filed in an   save you time and mitigate risk   need to keep their employees   our clients can plug in their own
        employee file in the cabinet at   in a pressured environment.   skilled and up to date with   business intelligence tools, for
        the back of your office.      With technology, companies    legislation, technology, etc.  clients to easily visualise key
                                      tend to move more towards                                   human resource data to gain
          Ever wondered what is going                                Employee Relations: Managing   valuable insights into which
        to happen if your file cabinet   automating business processes,   employee relationships in the   processes are working well
                                      complementing the management
        burns down? Guess you did, and   of an employee’s life cycle and   workplace can be a challenging   and where there is room for   SCAN
        introduced multiple platforms   legislative compliance.     task to maintain.             improvement. Our preconfigured   QR CODE
        and third parties to mitigate the                            Performance Management:      and custom human resource
        risk, although presenting risks   All employers should have a   Managing employee performance   software reporting provides   TO SEE
        to be mitigated in their part   single platform to harness human   to ensure that goals are met in an   access to real-time business   VIDEO
        again is not an ideal solution!   resource data for smarter decision   efficient manner.  intelligence. The PSIber


        Grant Adlam, KZN Top Business   book a vehicle. The website was   A Woodford Car Hire friendly   earlier was waiting to assist me   staff member on hand to return
                                      easy to navigate, and all the costs  representative was quick to   and I was offered an upgrade.   the car to.
              enting a car often comes   were clearly laid out with no   phone and enquire whether I    The hire documentation was   On an added note, the
              with angst – complicated   hidden fees and a bonus discount  would still be needing the car   completed quickly, and the car   concluding Woodford
        Rbooking websites, hidden     for booking within five minutes.   plus assuring me of personal   was handed to me in person. Not   WhatsApp requested me to
        costs, lengthy queues, and mounds   My booking confirmation   service when I did reach Oliver   having to wander around the   contact Woodford Group
                                                                    Tambo International.
        of paper work.                messages were received via                                  car lot looking for the number   managing director, Essa
                                      WhatsApp, SMS, and email so    The effort in making sure that                             Suleman, personally should
          I recently had a really great   there was clear communication   my needs were being met really   plate was indeed a welcome extra   my car hire service fall short
        experience renting a car from   that all was in order.      made a difference to a frustrating   effort, especially as I was now late   of expectations.
        Woodford Car Hire during a                                  morning of delay.             for my first appointment.
        business trip to Johannesburg.   The same ease cannot be said                              The car was clean and a pleasure   I can only say really great client
                                      for my flight, which was cancelled   Once I arrived to collect                            service and that I will certainly be
          The great experience started   without any notice.  A new flight   the car my day was further   to drive.             booking through Woodford Car
        from the initial visit to the   time meant that I was not on time   improved as the same    Returning the car, was equally   Hire again. It was a pleasure doing
        Woodford Car Hire website to   to collect the car.          gentleman who had phoned me   smooth sailing with a Woodford   business with them! 

                                                                                                                                QR CODE
                                                                                                                                  TO SEE

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