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             he quote on the front page   ahead to put into action. See   anything in life or in business,   African entrepreneurs and
             of this edition of Business   page five.               you have to put in the time and   business leaders. Success
        TSense is from Albert          KZN Top Business is steaming   resources. By taking action and   in business requires skill,
        Einstein, Nobel Prize Winner &   into 2022 and has a number   putting in the work to scale, the   experience, access to resources
        Professor of Theoretical Physics   of initiatives underway.  KZN   results will start showing.” Read   and networks, and commanding
        who said, “Life is like riding a   Top Business is committed to   page four.              leadership practices to help   KWAZULU-NATAL
        bicycle. To keep your balance, you   positively impact on businesses   Johan van Deventer, Regional   access and sustain opportunities
        must keep moving,” which very   and customers in KwaZulu-Natal   Manager, LabourNet asks “Is your   within the economy.   BUSINESS CHAMBERS
        much encapsulates the need for   and beyond through growing a   payroll making business sense?”   For those people who wish to do   COUNCIL:
        action in our lives.
                                      network of inspired, motivated,   He addresses the importance   more than just ride a bicycle, enter   Chairperson: Dominic Collett
          This need is well expressed by   and enterprising individuals and   of managing all your employee   a TinMan triathlon (see page ten)
        ActionCOACH Marlene Powell    organisations. Both the popular   information efficiently, cost-  and for those already planning an   Physical Address: Pencarrow
        who appears on the front cover. As   Standard Bank Top Business   effectively, centralised from   escape from action you can enjoy   Park, 1 Pencarrow Crescent,
        an accomplished business coach,   Awards and the Standard Bank   anywhere at any given time with   an indulgent getaway to the KZN   La Lucia Ridge, 4051.
        Marlene is committed to making   Top Business Women initiative   minimal risk. See page seven.  south coast! (See page thirteen).   Postal Address: P.O. Box 335,
        a difference in people’s businesses   will take place this year. Read more                                              Umhlanga Rocks, Durban 4320.
        and in their personal lives. She   page nine.                Zosukuma Kunene, Head of      We all know that brushing
        emphasizes, “Significantly, success    A new initiative to be introduced   Marketing, Clever Cloud reflects   twice a day and flossing regularly   Te: +27 (0)31 575 5500
        revolves around the word action.   by KZN Top Business is a series   on the need for more efficient use   is necessary to keep your teeth   Email:
        We literally took a pact to take   of masterclasses aimed at senior   of time in the article, “Productivity   healthy but there are other good   Website:
        action and help our clients to do   executives. The first in the   isn’t lost, it’s wasted”. His company   habits you can learn to improve
        the same.” See page three.                                  has a solution to manage the vast   oral health. Dr Fareed Amod of
                                      series is a webinar on corporate   number of software applications,   Crown Dental Studio has some   Don’t forget to scan the QR codes
          For an added bonus in       governance, which will be     documents and websites that we   advice. See page fourteen.  to access the videos relating to the
        Marlene’s regular column,     facilitated by Cathie Lewis who has  need to access on a daily basis. See   For those people who need more   articles where indicated.
        she asks, “How in love are you   much experience in the corporate   page six.             insights in how to take more   To conclude with another quote
        with your business?” Marlene   space. See page five for more   On the back page, David    action, Cindy Norcott is giving   “Dreams don’t work unless you
        challenges business owners to   information and to register.  White’s article stresses the   away copies of her new book, “How  take action. The surest way to
        reignite the passion they have   Monique Labat specialises   importance of building business   does she do it to?” to five lucky   make your dreams come true is
        for their businesses by setting   in Business 2 Business (B2B)   solutions through creating   Business Sense readers. See page   to live them.” - Roy T. Bennett
        some SMART goals for the year   relationships, and she says, “Like   business ecosystems for South   six for details.   (author and thought leader) 



                    Sanelisiwe Gantsho,   SACC UK in how we approach   African economy while it emerges   join the dots in connecting the   A vibrant facilitator
                     Executive Committee   trade, community upliftment and   from the pandemic is critical.   needs and solutions to deliver trade
                     Member and Cape   investment into and out of South   We view ourselves as a vibrant   outcomes. Positioned for win-win   and connector – a
                     Chapter Leader, South   Africa.                facilitator and connector – a   outcomes and the sustainability for   diverse body much like
                     African Chamber of                             diverse body much like a gentle   the SACC UK for years to come.   a gentle yet efficiently
                     Commerce UK (SACC   A Chamber that has a local heart   yet efficiently mobile octopus – in                     mobile octopus – in
                    UK)               and a global mindset                                         The set-up of the SACC UK
                                                                    bringing together like-minded   has been ratified by the SA      bringing together
                                       Authentic and heart felt business
                          T     he    opportunities that uplift South   of influential networks, associates,   Government and the SA High   creating solutions, levers
                                                                    people, co creating solutions, levers
                                                                                                                                  like-minded people, co
                                                                                                  Commissioner in London. We
                                      Africans far and near is the shared
                                                                    members, chambers, institutes and
                                                                                                  also are proudly supported by
                           concept of   passion in each engagement and   governments that explores vast   the SA Department of Trade and   of influential networks,
                                      business opportunity embarked
                                                                                                                                   associates, members,
                                                                    and achievable opportunities for
                           ‘creating   on by the Chamber in each of   the greater good. The passionate   Industry (the dti) and UK Trade   chambers, institutes
                           shared     the geographical chapters. In   board, executive committee and   and Investment (UKTI). With
        value’ according to Michael Porter   particular, revitalising the South   various management committees   value add connections across   and governments that
        at the World Economic Forum                                                               the globe and the geographical     explores vast and
        in 2012, is rethinking capitalist                                                         chapters growing in South Africa,   achievable opportunities
        systems in relation to society by                                                         prospective members can tap      for the greater good.
        way of addressing global economic                                                         into a readily available database,
        challenges. This includes health                                                          a wealth of knowledge and fine
        and the environment in a win-win                                                          professionals who are qualified   For more information
        scenario that benefits commercial                      SOCIAL                             and passionate.     
        efforts undertaken by businesses                                                           In making 2022 the year of
        and the societies that the                                                                opening doors while in the
        commercial activities operate in.                                                         process of emerging from a
          A simple model for illustration is                  SHARED                              pandemic,  growing connections
        a triangle that has interchangeable                                                       across all areas of business and
        apexes, labelled environmental,                        VALUE                              social responsibility is key in   SCAN
        social and governance factors                                                             collectively building towards   QR CODE
        with shared value at the centre                                                           a future that matters for South   TO SEE
        of the modern agenda for                                                                  Africa in how it contributes to the
        sustainable activity. Shared value   ENVIRONMENTAL              GOVERNANCE                global economy.                VIDEO
        is a competitive advantage of the

        BUSINESS SENSE                                        © Copyright of all material is reserved and no part of Business Sense may be reproduced   COMMENTS:
                                                              or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of  Top Business.
        Published by: Top Business, 71 Underwood Road, Hatton Estates  While every care has been taken in the compilation of this information and every   We welcome comments and seek a lively discussion. Comments
                                                                                                                  that raise questions, clarify content, constitute serious rebuttals,
        Features & Advertising: Grant Adlam: 083 262 9529     attempt made to present up-to-date and accurate information, we cannot guarantee   and promote discussion are welcomed and encouraged but will
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        Editorial: Gayle Adlam: 083 653 0465 | 031 267 1977 |  that inaccuracies will not occur. Top Business will not be held responsible for any loss,   necessarily limited to  non publishing of comments, removal of
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        Accounts: Tracy Engelbrecht:  pages.                                              offending material, or editing for spelling or grammar, at the sole
                                                                                                                  discretion of the editorial board of Business Sense.
        Design & Layout: Kerri Adlam | Kezlea Graphics |  The thoughts and opinions expressed here are those of the individual contributors   Please send your queries to
                                                              alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of their employers, the KwaZulu-Natal
        Website:                         Business Chambers Council, its members,  staff or funding agencies and advertisers.  We look forward to hearing from you!
        BUSINESS SENSE is brought to you by Top Business Portfolio.
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