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                                                                    a day, or 9.3 full hours a week   the collective hours we spend   it instantly. This allows business
                                                                    just managing, searching and   manually uploading and       owners and their teams to
                                                                    gathering their own existing   downloading documents from   seamlessly access information,
                                                                    business information. Despite   the cloud, and saving all those   switch between projects, and take
                                                                    great tools like Trello, Google   wonderful Bookmarks that we   action faster. The companies that
                                                                    Workspace and Microsoft       never, ever, go back to!  With   exist in the same US patent class
                                                                    365, studies show that over   workplace information saved   as Zudomanzi’s Clever Cloud
                                                                    50% of most company’s digital   across the cloud, offline desktops,   solution include Amazon, Adobe,
                                                                    information, still exists well   web browsers and internet based   HP, AT&T, Dell, Citrix Systems
                                                                    outside their content management   applications, the management of   and VMware just to name a few.
                                                                    systems.  Furthermore, 43% of the   business information is a major   With a market capitalisation of
                                                                    companies researched, said their   challenge for today’s businesses.   over $54 billion dollars, VMware
                                                                    selected content management                                 is a player in this efficiency space,
                                                                    systems don’t actually provide   So How Do We Do Better?    yet the South African borne Clever
                                                                    effective document search – with   Most large organisations already   Cloud is quickly establishing its
                                                                    over 62% finding it difficult to   have several existing technologies,   own influence in the same space.
        Zosukuma Kunene, Head of Marketing,   From a monetary perspective, a   share information with their   cloud service subscriptions and   Clever Cloud provides companies
        Clever Cloud                  company with 100 employees,   customers, suppliers and partners.  massive IT infrastructures.    with the unique ability of using the
                                      paid an average salary of R33,000,                          According to research, enterprise   software in conjunction with other
              he current Covid-19     are collectively paying their staff                         teams utilised well over 200   systems like Trello, Microsoft 365
              global pandemic has     R924,000 a year just to check      Clever Cloud             SaaS(Software as a Service)   and unlimited SaaS applications.
        Thighlighted the importance   email. Of course, emails are a                              applications per company in   It means users can finish projects
        of individual productivity within   critical component of business   allows you to finish   2021. The challenges for growing   faster without changing the way
        companies. Fully understanding   communications.  Nevertheless,   projects faster.        companies are similar, yet even   they work, whether in the office or
        what impacts our business     the Adobe study found that                                  worse, without the resource   working remotely.
        productivity is critical to   more than half of our email time                            of IT teams to support them.
        surviving and thriving in the   is spent managing spam and                                Fortunately, there is finally some   Solutions that comply with
        current business environment.   personal emails.            Context Switching             good news.                    existing and expanding business
                                                                                                                                environments are indeed
        Many of our beliefs about      Nathaniel Borenstein, the     When changing between the     In today’s business world,   possible, and Clever Cloud is
        productivity have been challenged   inventor of the standard behind   projects we’re working on, we   specialised service providers   forging the way in the world of
        over the last two years, especially   email attachments, ironically   waste time not only saving the   that fully understand these   the new normal. 
        in South Africa. Our traditional   describes email today as, “the   many applications we’re using,   dynamics are finally answering
        views on things like, allowing our   headache of being your own   but also finding the various   the call. These service providers
        employees to work from home,   system administrator”. So how do   different documents, websites and   are offering better solutions that   For more information on how
                                                                                                                                Clever Cloud software works, email us at
        have been radically challenged   we counter ongoing inefficiency?   administrative resources we need   integrate efficiencies with both or log on to
        and forced us to re-evaluate   Industry leaders are now starting   for the next project. Computer   new and existing administrative
        several key aspects of information   to explore better ideas regarding   scientists call the time that we lose,   tools, to seamlessly connect the
        management and productivity.   the management and sharing of   context switching, and it’s a time   disconnected spaces of the digital
                                      information.                  waster that’s costing big businesses   environment. Clever Cloud, is
        Checking Email                                              and smaller teams alike, tens of   an efficiency application that
          A recent survey by Adobe    Searching and Managing        billions of rands every single year.   integrates all parts of a computer’s
        Systems found that on average,   Information                 A study by Mckenzie & Co.    infrastructure – including the   SCAN
        employees are spending over    Searching and gathering      showed that employees use     desktop, internet and the cloud.   QR CODE
        three hours a day sending and   business information takes an   almost 25 minutes on average,   The US patented software helps
        checking emails, the equivalent   incredible percentage of our   getting fully back on track   computer users quickly gain   TO SEE
        of 15.5 hours per week, and   worktime. On average, working   after a workplace interruption.   perspective on what information   VIDEO
        93 days a year spent on email.   teams are spending over 2 hours   Part of the problem includes   is actually valuable –and presents

                                                WIN A COPY OF ‘HOW DOES SHE DO IT’

                                                     usinesswoman    “I wrote this book because   international motivational     “It is one thing to motivate
                                                     and            I have been speaking on the   speaker hurtling on to win    people with stories of success,
                                               Bphilanthropist,     topics for many years now     more awards than she can      and it is another exposing
                                                Cindy Norcott, has   and I decided I would like to   remember. She said wanting   the messy stuff. In this book,
                                                recently launched   consolidate my ideas into one   to do more and give back,   Cindy shares her insight in her
                                                her second book     book. My main motivation      she founded The Robin Hood    candid, sincere and inspiring
                                                titled: “How does she   for this book is that I believe   Foundation in 2005, which has   way.” Jane Linley-Thomas Radio
                                                do it”.             that women in business are    helped thousands of people    Personality.
                                                 This book follows   incredibly hard on themselves.   in KwaZulu-Natal and has   “How Does She do it?” If
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                                                her first book,     that elusive balance and we                                 book like this, it is my long-
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                                                Be Unstoppable,’    others have it all together. I   “This is the ultimate “how-  winning businesswoman,
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                                                the scenes look     the scenes is messy and very
                                                at the world of a   imperfect and that is okay. I   on a multitude of topics. It is   Galeforce Marketing. 
                                                female entrepreneur   want to see women stopping   all here! Cindy tells it how it is,
                                                trying to balance   being so hard on themselves,”   and by being vulnerable, she   Cindy  Norcott is giving away five
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                                                and everything in                                 with all the ups and downs of   Sense readers. If you would like a copy,
                                                between. She opens    Norcott, has been an        life. You will read it over and   please email with
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                                                up about being      entrepreneur since the age    over - on your bad days to    names will go into a lucky draw.
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