Page 10 - KZN Business Sense 8.1
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              s of 1 February 2022, the   To reduce the administrative   account of your own. That means
              new Property Practitioners   burden, however, new FFCs will   your business accounts can go
        AAct (PPA) will officially    be valid for a period of three years   through a far simpler and more
        commence. According to Tony   instead of one. Fees have also been   affordable annual review. Clarke
        Clarke, Chairman of the Real   standardised across all professional  adds that it is very important to
        Estate Business Owners of South   levels. Only Candidate Property   note that an exemption application
        Africa (REBOSA), this is a    Practitioners will pay a different,   is a prerequisite to not having your
        welcome step in the right direction   reduced fee for the first two years   own trust account.”
        for an industry previously plagued   of their candidacy, after which the
        by unclear and often poorly   standard fees will apply.     Training
        implemented legislation.                                     The new regulations also
                                       “We’re particularly pleased
        Disclosure                    with the fact that FFCs are also   promise smoother and more
                                                                    affordable property practitioner
                                      no longer linked to a specific
          One of the most important   employment position,” says    training. “Under the PP Act,
        new consumer protections is the   Clarke. “Certificates will now   prospective agents can study and
        now-compulsory inclusion of a   remain valid if an agent progresses   sit their Professional Designation
        comprehensive property defects   to principal, for example, or   Examination (PDE) before joining
        disclosure document for both   changes employers.”          an agency,” says Clarke. “No more
        property sales and rentals.                                 year-long internships or expensive   be run by an independent body   without registering as a property
          “At REBOSA, we’ve been      Trust Accounts                NQF4 exams. If you’ve passed your  appointed by the PPRA. Clarke is   practitioner, providing more
                                                                                                  hopeful that this will finally see the  opportunity for real estate agencies
        encouraging this for several   Clarke says the changes to   PDE, you can literally start selling   fund fulfil its potential as a force   to provide this service.
        years now,” says Clarke, “but   trust account requirements will   property in less than six months –   for positive industry change.
        under the PPA it will be officially   provide welcome administrative   under supervision – provided you                 Industry Consultation
                                                                    complete a further six practical
        illegal to accept a mandate from   and financial relief to many   course modules.”        Equal Opportunity              “Overall, we’re very pleased with
        a seller or a landlord without   property practitioners.                                                                the direction the PPA is taking
        receiving a comprehensive      “Previously, all property     Businesses are now also allowed   The practice of charging real   our industry’s regulations,” says
        disclosure document first. This   practitioners needed to have a trust   to develop and run their own CPD   estate agents “Accreditation Fees”   Clarke. “It’s also good to know
        document must be signed by all   account, regardless of whether or   training for a dramatically reduced   in return for exclusive rights to   that the PPRA has been formally
        parties and attached to the sale   not they handled trust monies,”   CPD fee. “Course content must be   property transactions within a   mandated to consult with the
        or lease agreement. It’s a valuable                         approved by the Authority, but this   development has been abolished.  property practitioners it governs
        reinforcement of our ethical   he says. “Those accounts, idle or   approval can’t be unreasonably   “Sellers and landlords within   and I formally invite the new
        responsibility to ensure open and   not, accrued bank fees and forced   withheld,” says Clarke. This   estates will no longer be limited   PPRA’s board, to regularly do so,
        honest property transactions.”  businesses to undergo a full – and   should make issues like delayed
                                      expensive – annual audit.     course content a thing of the   to their development’s approved   especially during the transitional
        Certification                  “Now, property practitioners   past, supporting agents in honing   agents,” says Clarke. “This gives   phase, which will see some
                                                                                                  all businesses – large and small
                                                                                                                                challenges and interpretational
          The PPA also requires any   only need a trust account if they   their skills rather than acting as a   – a fair chance to win mandates   issues arising and that the way the
        business earning a commission   actually handle trust monies,” he   professional roadblock.”  based on the quality of their   PPRA is going to apply these new
        or brokerage from the sale or   continues. “If you use a dedicated                        service instead of the size of their   regulations is going to be critical
        lease of a property to hold a   third-party payment processing   Transformation           bank account.”                to achieving the results that the PP
        valid Fidelity Fund Certificate   agent or intermediary with their   Better support for agents is                       Act wishes to achieve. 
        (FFC), and tax clearance and BBE   own compliant trust account, there  at the heart of changes to the   Developers will also no longer
        certificates as well.         is no need for you to have a trust   Transformation Fund, too. It will   be able to sell their own properties   For more information,

                                                                    THE ULTIMATE

                                                                    SWIM, BIKE, RUN SERIES

                                                                         -Active Sports is the name   Durban on the 20th of February   ■   Mini Tri (200m Swim /
                                                                         behind many popular      at Suncoast Beach. The Durban     5km Cycle / 2.5km Run) 8yrs up
                                                                    Bsporting events across       TinMan Series is where it all   ■   Sprint Tri (600m Swim /
                                                                    South Africa and this sports   started 23 years ago, with just 29     20km Cycle  / 5km Run)
                                                                    management company is a       athletes on the beachfront.     16yrs up
                                                                    formidable player in the sports   The second event in the series
                                                                    industry in South Africa. The   moves up to Buffelspoort Dam,   ■   Sprint RELAY TEAM
                                                                    company has been actively     in the highveld and kicks off the     (600m Swim / 20km Cycle
                                                                    involved in almost every major                                (4 laps) / 5km Run)
                                                                    public sporting event in South   start of the Joburg TinMan Series.   ■   Challenge Tri (1.2km Swim /
                                                                    Africa, with an enviable list of   Buffelspoort Dam is known to     30km Cycle / 10km Run)
                                                                    premier sporting events across   have clear waters and flat roads,     17yrs up
                                                                    a wide range of sporting codes,   so this event is a must do race for   ■   Challenge RELAY TEAM
                                                                    where they manage sponsorship   the family.                   (1.2km Swim / 30km Cycle /
                                                                    contracts and logistics for specific   The series caters for any level of     10km Run)
                                                                    areas of the events.          athlete, from a standalone 10km   ■   Challenge Duathlon (10km Run /
                                                                                                  running race, to a mini triathlon
                                                                     The company manages South                                    30km Cycle / 5km Run) 17yrs up
                                                                    Africa’s oldest triathlon series,   and a longer sprint triathlon,
                                                                    TinMan, which turns 23 years   culminating in the challenge events  Entries close on the Wednesday
                                                                    old this year. In addition, this   including a duathlon.    night prior to each event.
                                                                    series has gone national, with   The Mini Tri event is the perfect   These exciting TinMan triathlon
                                                                    brand new events taking place   introduction to triathlon for girls   series are sure to put the spark
                                                                    in Gauteng at the beautiful   and boys from 8yrs and up. It will   back into the multisport scene.
                                                                    Buffelspoort Dam. So now the   give them a safe outdoor sporting
                                                                    series has nine events nationally.  experience, while building up   So what are you waiting for,
                                                                                                  their confidence and giving you   come join us at the first event in
                                                                     With the first two events in the                           Durban on the 20th February! 
                                                                    TinMan Series fast approaching,   an event that you can compete in
                                                                    it’s time to start your training   side by side with your kids.   C: 087 012 5044
                                                                    towards those new 2022 goals.   Events you can enter:       E:
                                                                    The first event kicks off in   ■   10km Run (12yrs up)      W:

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