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Grant Adlam, CEO of the KZN Top In line with our goals of and organisations that drive the KZN Top Business Awards KwaZulu-Natal. Our vision is
Business promoting business in KwaZulu- economy of the province. The popular Standard Bank that the initiative will empower
Natal we are proud to host two Video marketing promotes KwaZulu-Natal Top Business and inspire other women to
ZN Top Business major events annually – the services, educates clients, and Awards are now in their achieve more in their own
understands that Standard Bank KwaZulu-Natal helps to tap into new markets. sixteenth year of existence. As endeavours. This goal ranges
Kmarketing is the driving Top Business Awards and the As well as more brands utilising business plays a crucial role in from discovering the confidence
force of any business. As such Standard Bank KwaZulu-Natal videos, consumers are now the growth of Africa, Standard to become a voice of change, to
we pride ourselves on being an Top Business Women initiative. watching more online videos Bank has been the proud sponsor getting access to appropriate
innovative content marketing KwaZulu-Natal Top Business than before. The fast-expanding of this event for several years. markets or finance, and to
company motivated by the desire audience is fuelling rapid growth networking with other women.
to keep learning about people, Portfolio in demand from advertisers, The Standard Bank KwaZulu- The Standard Bank KZN Top
about companies, and about Our flagship initiative is the making online video the fastest- Natal Top Business Awards Business Women 2021 initiative
what styles of communication KwaZulu-Natal Top Business growing digital channel by recognise companies and culminated in a glamorous
work. We are committed to Portfolio, which has been advertising expenditure. organisations that integrate hybrid event that celebrated
positively impact on businesses published annually since 1998. responsible business practice the achievements of thirty
and customers in KwaZulu-Natal The Portfolio’s ongoing success Business Gurus into their operations, resulting women in KwaZulu-Natal
and beyond through growing a has been achieved through the In analysing the successful in a positive impact on the who were nominated for their
network of inspired, motivated, ability to constantly adapt to companies profiled in the economy, community, and achievements by employers,
and enterprising individuals change and to use of a variety of KZN Top Business Portfolio, workplace, creating a better employees, clients, or other
and organisations. Our aim is communication methods. These there is a common thread life for all in KZN. In 2021 the stakeholders.
to help to promote sustainable include our newly developed running through each of award categories were changed
businesses that move people and multimedia website which is their achievements and that is to recognise the ways in which At the function, six of the
communities forward for the well optimised on a variety of effective leadership. The KZN businesses have risen to the women were recognised further
benefit of all. search engines, an A5 hard copy Leaders Portfolio was initiated challenges and embraced the and asked to share aspects of
handbook as well as a digital opportunities presented by their journeys as well as some
The last two years have version, social media tools and a with the desire to get to know Covid-19. of their insights on stage. The
provoked much change in the growing series of videos. more about these leaders interviews were a highlight of
way we live and work and in of business – the gurus. In Traditionally the Standard the evening and were received
some cases there is no way of Any business or organisation addition, many of the business Bank KZN Top Business Awards with much appreciation from the
returning to the way things needs to ensure that their gurus featured are specialists culminated in an in-person gala audience.
were. Many businesses have company’s competitive in their particular fields such dinner. Due to the uncertainty
had to adapt to meet the need advantage is promoted to ensure as international trade, human surrounding Covid-19 The Standard Bank KZN
for change and offer new a constant influx of clients. resources, law, business regulations in 2021, an in-person Top Business Women hybrid
services, products, and ways The overuse of electronic and governance etc. event wasn’t possible. However, event will take place at the
of being to remain relevant. social media platforms can Businesses often reach a to recognise the efforts of the Capital Zimbali Hotel on
Significantly, the fastest growing, create fatigue so currently point when they need these business community through the 16 November 2022.
most profitable firms make a more balance response to specialist services to further pandemic, the highly successful
their capabilities both visible communication is critical. their own business growth and 2021 awards evening was a For more information contact Grant Adlam
and tangible to their target Print is not dead and hard copy development. Consequently, we hybrid event. C: +27 (0)83 262 9529
audiences. resources such as the KwaZulu- have created a platform which The Standard Bank KZN Top E:
Natal Top Business Portfolio Business Awards 2022 will again W:
KZN Top Business helps allow readers to easily obtain a enables businesspeople to
to connect businesses and snapshot of the achievements access these gurus’ skills be a hybrid event, which will
customers in relevant and of successful businesses and and knowledge. held on the 8 June at the Capital
profitable ways. We create and organisations within KZN. Visit Zimbali Hotel. Entries will open
distribute pertinent information to book a session on the 1 March 2022.
about businesses through a range Video is the latest feature KZN Top Business Women
of channels: print, digital, social, used to market our clients’ A new venture this year SCAN
video, mobile etc. We assist in business offerings. Through the will be the online hosting of The Standard Bank KZN Top
driving the visibility of brands, videos hosted on our KZN Top a series of masterclasses Business Women initiative is QR CODE
including growing relationships Business YouTube channel we wherein some of these gurus an opportunity to raise the TO SEE
and improving client retention provide insights into some of will be addressing different profile of the industrious and VIDEO
through targeted campaigns. the successful businesspeople business topics. enterprising business women in
L-R: Karen Eccles, Thalente Madonda, Fiona Ebrahim, Sidney Reddy, Nicky Thompson, Portia Mthembu, and Mano Singh
Grant Adlam, Louisa Garland, managing director of Imperial Hameed Noormahomed, Standard Bank Head Business Client Coverage,
Armour, and Imraan Noorbhai, Standard Bank Head Consumer KZN; Devin Heffer Brand and Communications Manager, Hollywoodbets
Client Coverage KZN and Sidney Reddy, Head of Business Acquisition Standard Bank