Page 4 - KZN Business Sense 8.1
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                    Monique Labat,    Research the Competition      B2B Business Growth Strategy   International B2B Networks   to speak to within the company is
                     Specialist in B2B   Part of the B2B approach is   For the B2B sector a growth   A company seeking to find   crucial to providing the best B2B
                      Market Linkages                                                                                           fit for the client.
                                      to analyse new opportunities   strategy is a huge area of focus   distributors, stockists or resellers
                                      in your clients’ businesses by   and clients on both ends of the   in a new market, may find   The case study of an eyewear
                           ike        better understanding their    B2B spectrum are seeking to build   difficulty in tapping into these   manufacturer is a case in point.
                           anything   demographics. Ask questions   successful relationships. Having   foreign networks. Language   Monique Labat Consulting was
                      Lin life or     and do your best to understand   a business growth strategy is key   barriers, cultural differences,   engaged to find new eyewear
                       in business,   everything from their         when developing new markets.  managing global teams, currency   markets for a manufacturer.
                         you have to   distribution channels to their                             exchange and inflation rates and   Online meetings provided a
                          put in the   direct competitors. As many B2B   The marketing for a growth   the nuances of foreign politics,   cost-effective way of determining
                          time and    opportunities are the basis for   strategy involves using your   policy and relations all impact the   whether there was potential to
                                                                    already established contact with
                          resources   the finding new clients abroad,                             cost of securing new markets.   do business. The success of this
        if you wish to reap the benefits.   an analysis of foreign markets   clients. In order to be effective   It makes sense when identifying   B2B linkage was the first order
                                                                    at achieving upselling and cross
        Don’t focus on the short-term   and other potential industry   selling there are two different   partners to supply goods and   for eyewear which will now be
        outcomes, rather look to long-  sector openings is critical.   areas you need to consider. The   services, to collaborate with   distributed through the clients’
        term outcomes. In that way                                  one is relationship marketing. If   skilled and experienced B2B   nationwide group of 48 stores. 
        you’ll be building sincere value   Research the competition and   your existing customers aren’t   firms who have the necessary
        with your clients and find ways   determine their best practice.   happy, they won’t buy more from   experience in those countries.   For information on B2B matchmaking and
        to genuinely help your clients,   By compiling intelligence   you. Marketing, along with other                          market linkages to secure new markets,
        which will build the foundation   reports for the client, you are   factors such as product quality and   Case Study Success  new suppliers or new clients contact
        of your Business 2 Business (B2B)   providing more in-depth content   customer service have a key role to   Managing inward buying   Monique Labat
        relationships. By taking action   and evidence that in turn will   play in delighting your customers.   missions delivers both exports   T: +27 (0)82 924 6349
                                      provide the client with accurate
        and putting in the work to scale,                                                         and imports between regions   E:
        the results will start showing.  information upon which to base   Each interaction matters,   and countries. By matching the
                                      their decisions.              from a face-to-face meeting,
         Fundamental to B2B is access                               to an email, to a response, to a   participants of inward buying
        to networks and information   Leverage Global Platforms     tweet. Successful businesses are   missions as accurately as possible
        systems to create sustainable   During the Covid-19 pandemic   taking advantage of marketing   with distributors, stockists or
        linkages. The basis of successful   many businesses moved part   automation technologies to   resellers in the visiting country,
        B2B opportunities is accurate   of their business online. Travel   improve customer satisfaction.   the manufacturer of the products   SCAN
        and verified information.     was limited and shipping and   In order to create successful   or services has a quick grasp of
        Companies undertaking B2B     logistics proved to be very   processes, you need to be able   whether the business may be   QR CODE
        look for integration into new   expensive. Using digital global   to create highly personalised   successful.             TO SEE
        markets and then have the     platforms is cost effective and   communication, and highly   Understanding the local business   VIDEO
        ability to reach new customers.  pays dividends.            useful content.               environment and knowing who

                                                                                                                   Dube                    The city of Durban
                                                                                               0        1          and King             (eThekwini Municipality)
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                              Let’s come together and heal as a nation.  0  0                           11         1                      by the Swiss-based
             Let’s focus on renewing, restoring and rebuilding successful partnerships   11  1                                               New 7 Wonders
            and investment opportunities so we can get back to promoting our city as                               0 11                   Foundation in 2014
              the ideal destination for business and pleasure to the rest of the world.
                                                                            1                           1
                Your support coupled with our world-class infrastructure, innovative   1  0             1          1                                   1
            business environment and ever evolving investment opportunities, means   1         0        0                                             01
                       we can get back to ‘connecting continents’ in no time.                           1
                                                                            0                  3                                                      00
                                                                            11                          0                                              1
                                         Tel: +27 31 311 4227                                  0        11
                                    Email:                                11

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