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        Sibongile Dimbaza                                                                                                       to cross-subsidise other
                                                                                                                                municipal functions. If tariffs
              he Pietermaritzburg                                                                                               are approved without the
              and Midlands Chamber                                                                                              efficiency of the costs being
        T(PMCB) together with the                                                                                               interrogated, there is no real
        Nelson Mandela Bay Business                                                                                             incentive for municipalities to
        Chamber (NMBBC) have jointly                                                                                            spend electricity income on
        filed papers to legally challenge                                                                                       infrastructure or to address
        the National Energy Regulator’s                                                                                         theft, waste, fraud and
        (Nersa) municipal tariff                                                                                                corruption in the electricity
        methodology which is used to                                                                                            system.”
        determine and approve electricity                                                                                        “The private sector is simply
        tariffs charged by municipalities.                                                                                      expected to carry the cost of these
          The methodology is based on                                                                                           losses and inefficiencies. With
        guidelines and benchmarking                                                                                             Eskom’s tariffs having increased
        rather than on the cost of supply                                                                                       by around 180% in real terms over
        which is being stipulated in the                                                                                        the last 15 years, municipal tariffs
        legislation. This methodology is                                                                                        have to be limited to efficiently
        thus an enabler for municipalities                                                                                      incurred costs. Our joint action
        to implement excessive tariffs                                                                                          on behalf of our members will
        and then to utilise this to fund                                                                                        hopefully achieve this. We trust
        escalating electricity losses   embark upon a legal challenge   incurred cost of supply plus a   such an environment, continued   we can co-operate with our
        which are the result of their own   to halt the implementation of   reasonable margin.”   excessive mark-ups from       municipalities and come up with
        inefficiencies, among which   unlawfully high tariffs, which                              municipalities will exacerbate   solutions which will enable growth
        includes the lack of maintenance   will result in industry paying   “We are very concerned about   pressure on municipal   and development.”
        of infrastructure as well as   for inherent inefficiencies in the   the current dysfunctionality   consumers and in particular on   Van Huyssteen emphasises
        rampant cable theft. This has   system,” says Melanie Veness,   of the external operating   businesses who are dependent   that should a positive outcome
        resulted in tariff differentials   CEO of the PMCB Chamber.    environment and the associated   on electricity for the continuity   be achieved, that this would
        between distributors in South   “Our challenge seeks for the   unacceptable escalating costs of   of their operations. This   ultimately benefit all South African
        Africa being as high as 60%,   methodology for municipal    doing business and in particular   is clearly an unsustainable   businesses and consumers.
        creating unacceptable regional   customers to be based on the   the sustainability of electricity   situation for businesses who
        distortions in electricity costs                            supply,” says Denise van      are reeling from the economic   She says that the electricity
        across the country.           efficient cost of distributing   Huyssteen, CEO of the NMBBC.   repercussions of the pandemic   challenge is being funded by
                                      electricity, excluding mark-  “The continued unlawfulness of                              member businesses of the two
          The two Business Chambers   ups which are not permitted   the municipal electricity tariffs   and the July civil unrest.”  Business Chambers. “We urge
        have participated in year-long   for municipal customers. “We   could lead to uncontrollable   Veness points out that   other businesses to stand together
        consultations on this issue where   believe that the guideline and   escalations from current tariff   electricity income accounts   with us and to join our legal
        Nersa has confirmed that they will   benchmarking methodology   levels. Furthermore, business   for a substantial portion of the   challenge so that we can prevent
        not review their methodologies   is inconsistent with electricity   is under tremendous pressure   total revenue of municipalities.   exorbitant and unfair electricity
        without a legal challenge. “We   legislation and therefore unlawful,   in relation to electricity pricing   “The reality is that electricity   increases being imposed and
        have therefore determined that   and as such licensees should only   as Eskom is applying for   income is not spent exclusively   impacting the sustainability of
        we have no other option but to   be permitted to recover efficiently-  increases exceeding 20%. In   on electricity and is utilised   business operations.” 


              he Durban Chamber of    ■   Mobile devices            8.  Must be within sectors
              Commerce and Industry   ■   Chemicals                    specified on the link.
        TNPC in partnership with      ■   Safety equipment
        the Pakistan Embassy presents the                           Date: Friday, 25 February 2022 –
        opportunity to travel to Pakistan   ■   Gems & Jewellery    Sunday, 27 February 2022
        for FREE to attend a business   ■   Packaging
        trade delegation.             ■   Agriculture machinery &    Click to Register:
                                        its implements    
                                      ■   Electrical machinery including    Once registered, kindly email
        1.  A company must be in the      pumps, motors, transformers,
           Engineering and/or           generators                  your:
           Healthcare Sector          ■   Marble & Minerals         1. Application
        ■   Construction material     2.  Be willing to pay a RETURN    2. Company profile and,
        ■   Surgical instruments         flight ticket which will be    3. Financial statement
        ■   Sports goods                 reimbursed to you once you
        ■   Musical instruments          arrive in Pakistan.        To Dumile Khubone,
        ■   Automotive / Autoparts    3.  Have a visa and passport ready or call 031 335 1000.
                                         for travelling

        ■   Cosmetics                 4.  Be fully vaccinated to travel  NB: Only nine (9) companies
        ■   Pharmaceutical            5.  Be available to exhibit the    will be selected to participate.
        ■   Electrical Fan/Home Appliances     company service/product in    The Pakistan Embassy reserves
        ■   Furniture & mattresses       Pakistan                   the right to select eligible
        ■   Rubber & its implements   6.  Have a turnover of one million    participants.
        ■   Handicrafts                  US Dollars per annum        #InBusinessForABetterWorld
        ■   Plastic & its implements
        ■   Stationary & Paperboard   7.  Submit a company profile
                                         and recent financial statement

        ■   Cookware & Cutlery           for screening.

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