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                arlene Powell is making                                                                                         with us. We are in the business of
                a difference in people’s                                                                                        “Edutainment.” We will educate
        Mbusinesses and in their                                                                                                ourselves, our clients and all
        personal lives. Thirteen years                                                                                          those whom we work with, while
        ago, she left her comfortable                                                                                           we entertain them and create
        but strong role in the financial                                                                                        a fun learning environment.
        sector of the corporate world.                                                                                          We will educate our clients
        This move allowed her to embark                                                                                         in world class marketing and
        on a journey that has seen her                                                                                          business development techniques
        turn people’s businesses around                                                                                         using audio, video, CDs,
        – achieving between 46% to in                                                                                           other technologies and simple
        excess of 1000% growth.                                                                                                 workbooks, workshops, and
                                                                                                                                seminar formats.
          As the first woman
        ActionCOACH franchisee in                                                                                                Our products and services will
        South Africa, and with more                                                                                             be of the highest quality, value for
        than 12 000+ coaching hours,                                                                                            money and, whether sourced from
        Marlene has transitioned herself                                                                                        within the company or externally,
        from a generalist to a specialist                                                                                       will always add the most value and
        in her field. As an internationally                                                                                     use the latest and most effective
        certified business coach, she                                                                                           training methodologies available.
        provides business help, business                                                                                         ActionCOACH clients, whether
        advice, business coaching and                                                                                           they are small, medium or large
        mentoring services to small and                                                                                         in size, will have a desire to
        medium sized businesses.      Marlene with her GrowthCLUB clients
                                                                                                                                have us help them in achieving
          She explains, “I loved                                                                                                their goals and be able to take
        entrepreneur and author,      more of a difference we can make   “As a business coach, I will   time or enough money? It is   on Our Commitment to them
        Brad Sugars, the founder of   in the world.”                help you deliver the results   important to ask how do we get   by returning their Commitment
        ActionCOACH’s vision.”  After   Her business background in   you desire using proven tools,   the business to be the vehicle to   to ActionCOACH. They will be
        business owners were approaching                            methodologies and systems,    give you time and money so that   forward thinking, willing to
        him for business consultations,   the corporate world has seen   tested and perfected over tens   emotion is not built up though the   learn and grow, and be willing
        Sugars realised that the missing   her accomplish several major   of thousands of businesses   inefficiencies of the business as a   to work as a team player in the
                                      achievements in her field, which
        component between knowledge   include graduating as an Associate   worldwide for over more than   root cause.”          development of an organization
        and implementation was coaching.                            two decades. I will hold you                                of ‘people’.
                                      in Management (Management                                    “Significantly, success revolves
          Consequently, Sugars company   Practice) through the Graduate   accountable for your results and   around the word action.  We   Our clients will be selected more
        Action International (now known   School of Business at the   just like a sports coach, push you   literally took a pact to take   on attitude than size and they will
        as ActionCOACH) was born in   University of Cape Town.      to perform at optimal levels.”  ACTION and help our clients   want to deal with us because we
        1993. ActionCOACH has grown    Marlene believes she is now   “As a business owner myself,   to do the same. Results must be   understand people are important,
        to be one of the fastest growing   living her dream, with strong   I value quality of life – just   forthcoming or else what’s the   systems should run a company,
        franchises in the world and is the                          like everyone else should. By   point?” she concluded.      we offer the most practical, most
        number one business coaching   support from her husband     implementing simple and                                     applicable and fastest strategies
                                      Geoff, and son Dylan who
        firm in the world.                                                                        ActionCOACH Mission           on growth, and most importantly,
                                      encouraged her to turn her    practical tools into my clients’
          Marlene’s personal brand is   dream into a reality. Says   businesses, I help them to create   ActionCOACH is a team   because we mean what we say. We
                                                                                                                                will give people back their spirit
        defined by precision in all that she   Marlene, “Either you can take   more money and time to allow   of committed, positive and   and freedom through business
        does so it is not surprising that   ownership, accountability or   them to enjoy the finer things in   successful people who are always
        the Westville based franchise has   responsibility to achieve your   life. It inspires me to help people   striving to be balanced, integral   development. 
        consistently been placed in the   dreams, or you can find blame,   spend more quality time doing   and honest. We will work within
        Top 100 in the world. Marlene   excuses or be in denial... The   what they love doing.”   our “14 Points of Culture” to make
        was also recently awarded the   choice is up to you.”        In addition, Marlene says that   sure that everyone who touches, or
        ActionCOACH Southern Africa    Marlene also attributes her   over her years of coaching that   is touched by the ActionCOACH
        Brand Personality 2021 Award   success to discipline and    she has found that an effective   team, will benefit greatly and
        at the annual ActionCOACH     consistency. “I have continued   business is especially relevant   in some way move closer to
        National Conference.                                                                      becoming the person they want to
                                      to focus on the positives; the   to personal relationships and   be or achieve the goals they want   SCAN
          She commented, “The brand   vision and my purpose on why   to successful marriages. She   to achieve.                  QR CODE
        means everything to me, I live,   I became a coach.  Helping   asks, “Do you think that your
        breathe, eat and sleep it. The   people to achieve growth in   relationships with your partner,   We will always work in “co-  TO SEE
        more business owners we can   their companies has helped me   your family or your friends are     opetition” with all those who   VIDEO
        reach and touch out there, the   achieve growth in mine.”   affected by not having enough   believe they are in competition

        Margaret Hirsch and Marlene Powell             GrowthCLUB 2022 - The new normal

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