Page 15 - KZN Leaders Portfolio E-BOOK 2107
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Executive Director of the Black Balance Projects Clark said, “It’s a work-in-progress, as we all are, but its
something of which I am proud. We have built a company
EL CLARK’s involvement in the trade union which, although relatively small, is able to offer innovative
movement, which has shaped much of his solutions that try to be true to the developmental challenges
career, began as a student on the university of balancing growth, sustainability and transformation.”
Mcampuses of Universities of Cape Town and
Durban Westville, where he studied sociology and law. Sustainability, commented Clark, is really the company’s
core business. “We design housing settlements, hard
He says, “From the hectic days of the liberation infrastructure plans, and rural economic plans….all of
struggle on the campuses where I studied, I was drawn to these require a commitment to sustainability. Sustainability
involvement in the trade union movement, being somewhat demands innovation – thinking out of the box – challenging
in awe of how workers without much formal education old beliefs. We believe that sustainability in SA demands
were able to show strategic and organisational skills, innovative ways to connect people and trust them to find
courage and capacity to take on powerful employers and new ways to live, work and play together without old-style
shift the balance of power in many ways.” walls and divisions.”
This involvement resulted in Clark being employed in He added that in order to promote innovation one
the SA Clothing and Textile Workers Union as an organiser also needs to understand people, both as individuals
in Durban South in 1991 and later as Education Officer. and as collectives, which is key to problem solving. “My
He thereafter spent some time as a researcher at the Trade experience is that knowing what drives people, their
Union Research Project at UKZN, before being employed histories, their needs, their capacities, is more powerful in
by the newly formed KZN Regional Economic Council (a making change than mere technical knowledge. So I have
form of provincial NEDLAC) and in 1998 was appointed always valued people and relationships and sought to invest
its CEO. in those, and believe that success should be measured in
In 2001 Clark was appointed Head of the KZN those terms rather than financially.”
Department of Economic Affairs and Tourism. He said, Clark believes that in every person there is passion and
“This was a huge honour and a challenge for me; there capacity and that it is his role as leader to help people see
was a tangible sense amongst us of having to draft, test and and act on what may be blocking them from unleashing
implement economic plans, which sought to both grow and that potential. He says, “I am a believer in the notion of
transform the racially defined economy at the same time.”
leadership growing from the inside rather than being taught
Clark said that he became accustomed to working in a – that the more you work to know yourself, the more likely
context of political uncertainty. During his time as HOD you are to understand others. And leading others becomes
he worked with four different Members of the Executive an organic emergent way of being, rather than a list of
Council. Clark commented, “Fortunately those of us who things to do.”
came into Government from the trade union movement
had been schooled in economic analysis and being resilient In reflecting on his professional journey, Clark says
– hard work was the norm.” that the formulation of KZN’s Provincial Growth and
Development Strategies, from 1995 up to now, stands
The importance of having a strong, skilled and stable out as highlight for him. “I have been involved in
management and administrative team in a public those processes over all these years, first as a Labour
sector institution, which is not overly dependent on the representative, then as a Government leader, and then as
personality of the political leader of the institution, became a consultant.”
clear to him during this time, and proved to be a valuable
lesson for private sector entrepreneurship later as well. Going forward Clark is hopeful to play a value-adding
role in building more effective and sustainable partnerships
After leaving the Department, Clark was appointed to set- between the public and the private sectors, especially in
up of the KZN Growth Fund, which is now able to make a KZN. He said, “We achieved a much harder goal in KZN
significant difference in project finance in the Province. – that of building peace – yet economic freedom eludes
In 2007, Clark moved into the private sector and most of us – I think more pervasive partnerships are key to
established Black Balance Projects with his business addressing that.”
partner, Malcolm Biggar. Their goal was to integrate their Clark concluded, “For me challenges relate to finding
economics and engineering skills to offer something balance between my personal and professional life. I find
different in the consulting market. that one needs to constantly grow a mindfulness in making
“We soon built a team of young black professionals, choices that keep rebalancing these two very important
which is now 50 people strong. We have been able to parts of who I am. I am a family man at heart – and my
build new links, strategies and practical project plans, three boys are a happy handful for me. Outside of that I
which brings various built environment disciplines working have the great misfortune of having been bitten by the golf-
together around how to stimulate economic growth and bug for many years, so I try to get out to play every so often
transformation at local level through catalytic infrastructural and follow the PGA Tours quite avidly – awaiting Tiger’s
and economic projects.” great comeback!”