Page 13 - KZN Leaders Portfolio E-BOOK 2107
P. 13

CEO and Principal Officer of Natal Joint Municipal Pension/  In addition, we moved our offices from
          KwaZulu-Natal Joint Municipal Provident Funds (NJMPF)   Pietermaritzburg to a contemporary office park in
                                                              Westville, Durban.
                AM CAMILLERI is the CEO and Principal
                Officer of Natal Joint Municipal Pension/       The staff also needed to understand that they were
                KwaZulu-Natal Joint Municipal Provident Funds   employed by a non-profit organisation and were
         S (NJMPF) which currently administers a total of     working for their clients’ benefit, which was a major
          R 18 billion in assets.                             culture change. The change in the ethos of the NJMPF
                                                              was dramatic as staff were now required to strive for
           Sam Camilleri’s professional career has included   excellence and required to meet the expectations of the
          being appointed as a general manager for the Aviva   members.
          Group in Australia – globally one of the largest financial
          services companies. He also held the position of CEO   The innovative approach has meant a change in the
          of Norwich Investment Management Ltd Australia. Prior   remuneration policy in which staff are now rewarded
          to this, Sam held the position of Portfolio Manager   both through financial incentives and promotions for
          at Chase NBA. Some years ago, Sam was offered a     their achievements.
          position in South Africa as the CEO of a Cape Town    Because of these changes, the Fund started to
          based asset management company. This investment     become known throughout the pension industry
          experience gained over the last three decades has   and  began winning industry awards for excellence.
          played a significant role to his current position. These   Furthermore, says Sam, “the various awards that the
          experiences he said, have equipped him with a level   NJMPF has received have prompted the staff to want
          of understanding which has been critical to his role at   to achieve more. They are very competitive, they enjoy
          NJMPF. He was able to take his knowledge from the   winning and they see the awards as recognition of
          investment side of the fund management industry and   their efforts.” Since this transformation, the NJMPF has
          apply this acumen to administrating and investment   won a staggering total of 33 awards of which 12 are
          performance of a pension fund.                      international awards.
           Sam was appointed as CEO of the NJMPF in July        His staff are encouraged to participate and provide
          2007 and has spent the last ten years dramatically   suggestions for procedures or innovations that will
          transforming the organisation from an old-fashioned   enhance value for the members of the NJMPF.
          paper based bureaucracy to a local and international
          multi-award-winning retirement fund. He says, “I took   Even though there have been negative economic
          the organisation to something that is modern and up to   times, the NJMPF has had only one negative quarter
          speed with technology.”                             of returns in the last seventeen years. “Our pensioners
                                                              have received exceptional returns. We have pensioners
           When Sam first started at the NJMPF, there was only   now being paid more than when they were working”.
          one computer in the entire building and the employees   Throughout the last decade, we have always given our
          were reliant on paper based files and a typing      pensioners full CPI and a thirteenth cheque. The result
          pool. There were no standardised forms or network   is that our pensioners have received increases/returns
          computerised systems.                               significantly above inflation,” said Sam Camilleri.

           His first task was to modernise the NJMPF and to     He added, “We now compete against the biggest
          develop operating policies and procedures. He says,   pension funds and our returns are compatible against
          “This was a journey that we were going to undertake as   the best of best, in fact, Alexander Forbes one of South
          a team, we were going to transform the business. This   Africa’s largest asset consultants has ranked the NJMPF
          challenge was difficult as we had to train staff, develop   consistently in the top quartile of investment returns.”
          a new administration IT platform and still deliver a
          quality service to our members – it was an interesting   Looking forward, we will be offering living annuities
          experience.”                                        to our retiring members from the Defined Contribution
                                                              Fund. On the communication front, we have recently
           An initial requirement was to upskill employees,   introduced a new website as well as a mobile
          which took place over a two-year period. Basic      app, which allows our members greater access to
          computer skills and programmes were taught and the   information about their funds.”
          almost five million paper files, which filled much of the
          office space, had to be captured on computer.         Through running financial literacy programmes, the
                                                              NJMPF is also trying to educate municipal workers
           “I had staff threatening to go on strike - one Friday   about saving for the future.
          afternoon when I removed the adding machines from
          everyone’s desks and insisted that from the Monday    Sam says that he enjoys relaxing at home in his free
          morning  all calculations had to done on the computer   time and usually spends his weekends watching his
          system,” says Sam Camilleri.                        son’s various sporting activities.

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