Page 9 - KZN Leaders Portfolio E-BOOK 2107
P. 9

successful. A current challenge is in the volatile South
          Financial Director of the Mediterranean Shipping    African economy, which impacts on the rand dollar
          Company (MSC)
         B        RYAN BAYLIS, has had a long and satisfying   to control for such fluctuations and making financial
                                                              exchange rate. As a shipping company, it is impossible
                                                              decisions is difficult,” says Baylis.
                  professional career in the financial sector.
                                                                However, he says that over the years the shipping line
                   After passing matric in 1957, Baylis’ early
                  career was spent in Heinz J Betz & Co in    has continued to look ahead and has had the foresight
          Port Elizabeth, where he completed his articles from   to grow its operations. Baylis commented that the
          1958 to 1962. Baylis studied through UNISA and      leadership of Captain Salvatore Sarno, the Chairman of
          qualified as a chartered accountant in 1962. He then   MSC South Africa, and Mr Gianluigi Aponte, who is the
          joined PricewaterhouseCoopers in 1963, where he     Group Executive Chairman of MSC - SA in Geneva has
          spent time working at the Port Elizabeth, Durban and   led to the growth in South Africa. MSC now comprises
          Johannesburg offices. This was followed by a move to   20 companies, which include amongst others, logistics,
          George McKeurtan Son and Crosoer (a predecessor firm   depots and shipping agencies, which all operate very
          to Ernst & Young) in Durban in 1968, where he was   smoothly.
          made partner in 1971.                                 Over the years, an ongoing highlight experienced by
           His career at Ernst & Young saw him relocating to Port   Baylis has been in MSC’s family approach to running
          Elizabeth in 1972 to open an office to serve national   its business. He commented that not only are the
          clients. In 1981, Baylis was transferred back to Durban   employees looked after well, but there is a working
          as an audit partner and he then became the senior   ethos of mutual appreciation, which ensures for a very
          partner for the last year before his retirement in 2001.  harmonious environment, where everyone is involved
                                                              in the company’s operational success.
           At his retirement lunch from Ernst and Young, Baylis
          was asked by MSC Chairman, Captain Salvatore Sarno,   Baylis commented, “I enjoy being one with people
          to join the shipping company to take over the position   and I have found this aspect to be very rewarding.”
          as financial director from Bob Winter, who was about   Baylis has also much appreciated the many
          to retire.                                          community interventions that the company is involved
           As Baylis had been the audit partner of MSC since   in such as its learnership programmes, Sailing
          1979, he was happy to accept the position.          Foundation in Simonstown  and involvement in
                                                              development sailing regattas in Durban.
           Baylis says, “I accepted and I thought that it would be
          for five years. Now over 15 years later, I am about to   He has also been ensuring that the company will
          retire from MSC at the end of 2017.”                not be disadvantaged by his upcoming retirement by
                                                              mentoring his successor.  He says, “I enjoy growing
           Baylis is justly proud of his stay at the shipping line and   and training other employees. I have always had a
          has thoroughly enjoyed the ‘very positive experience’.    philosophy of imparting knowledge, which has been
          His working career at MSC, which is the second biggest   gained over many years of experience.”
          shipping line in the world, has been encompassed by
          much job satisfaction. He says, “As the financial director,   He believes that in contrast to today’s trends of job
          I have been involved in everything and know what is   hopping, his long stays within his various positions have
          happening in all aspects of the company.”           been very valuable. He added, “It is good to stay and
                                                              grow with a company. The opportunities are there if
           An important feature of his experience has been in   you look for them.”
          the continued positive approach of the company to its
          business operations, which has ensured that they have   When not at work, Baylis is kept busy spending time
          been able to ride out the economic downturns.       with his eight grandchildren and is a committed elder
                                                              of the Glenwood Presbyterian Church in Durban. He is
           “From the financial side the company has always    looking forward to his retirement but will be on hand to
          met its commitments positively and has been hugely
                                                              offer assistance if required.

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