Page 5 - KZN Leaders Portfolio E-BOOK 2107
P. 5


                 The Group CEO of SLG, Nkosinathi Solomon      Accomplishing these multiple goals requires
                                                              strong business leadership. Sustaining a vision
                         he SLG’s ‘Standards of Corporate     for an organisation calls for passion and strength
                         Conduct’ and ‘Business Values’ drive
                         its corporate culture. SLG business   of will. Leadership means that one has to be
                Tvalues are People First; Customer            adaptable to new situations, handle unexpected
                 Championing, Integrity, Agility, Growing     demands with aplomb, and be ready to change
                 Shareholder Value, and Learning.             course when necessary. Most importantly,

                   The People First value encompasses safety   leadership requires the ability to engage
                 and environment, diversity, dignity, respect   effectively with people and all stakeholders.
                 for all, team focus, community, and B-BBEE.   Therefore, SLG again proudly recognises
                 People First means that our employees and the   outstanding leaders by sponsoring the KZN
                 communities where we operate are valued and   Top Business Personality of the Year Award
                 treated with full cognisance of and respect for   for 2017. Through the KZN Top Business
                 their safety, diversity, and dignity.        Personality of the Year Award for 2017, we
                   Our focus on teaming means that everyone   celebrate a businessperson who demonstrates
                 can contribute and work together towards     exemplary business achievement, industry
                 SLG’s goals. By actively nurturing a team    influence and is a real inspiration to all of us.
                 culture, SLG ensures that its team is greater   We are also delighted to share some of the
                 than the sum of its constituent parts.       KwaZulu-Natal’s Business Leaders’ stories of
                                                              their professional journeys. These personal
                   Keeping up with the complex demands of
                 our customers in an ever-changing business   accounts provide insight into a variety of
                 environment requires agility and integrity.    different career paths; the varied challenges
                 SLG believes that we have a responsibility to   and highlights that shape leaders’ successes.
                 sustain social development and take care of   The featured leaders have all made real
                 our environment. As a Black owned and run    contributions to the KwaZulu-Natal economy
                 company, we understand the moral and strategic   and to its future growth and sustainability.
                 value of economic transformation and B-BBEE.   We thank them all for sharing their insights,
                 At the same time, we are constantly aware of the  which illustrate the importance of holding firm to
                 need to maintain shareholder value.          one’s values while striving to fulfil your aspirations.
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