Page 7 - KZN Leaders Portfolio E-BOOK 2107
P. 7

Managing Partner at Mazars Durban
         D          AVID BATES is the managing partner of the   Nowadays, advice is often more significant than the
                                                              numbers that are produced.”
                                                                Furthermore, Bates said that the values that
                    Durban Mazars’ office and represents this
                                                              underlie Mazars are every important to the firm. He
                    office both at national and international level.
                     Bates characterises his professional     said. “It is essential that we adhere to these in all
                                                              that we have to do. This can be challenging in an
          journey as one of perseverance. He said that this   auditing capacity, but it is necessary to keep one’s
          ability has stood him in good stead over the years.   integrity and independence as well as have respect
          In order to become a Chartered Accountant (CA),     for diversity.” Bates commented, “I lead by example,
          he completed his Bachelor of Commerce part time     as a managing partner I also have my own clients.
          at the then Natal University and then completed     Therefore, it is case of do as I do and do as I say.”
          his Honours degree and articles through UNISA.        It is no surprise that with such an ethos that
          “This required much self-discipline and took much   Mazars was awarded a Top Employers South Africa
          dedication and long hours of study,” commented      2016. In addition, Mazars Durban has a training
          Bates. He added that he did not think that the      office and provides ongoing programmes for its
          necessity for perseverance had changed over the     staff as well as provides opportunities for trainees
          years in the auditing and accounting profession.    to complete their articles. Bates firmly believes that
          His proactive work ethic saw him being appointed    more needs to be done to ensure that young people
          as a managing partner of the Durban Branch of       acquire appropriate skills from an early age and that
          Mazars in 1988, which has broadened his range of    improved standards are achieved across all levels
          responsibility substantially.                       of education in the country. He added that a failure
                                                              to address this problem impacts negatively on the
           Over the past 20 years, Bates said that he has     working environment.
          had to face a number of challenges. He explained,
          “Things change, nowadays there is immediacy in the    Bates said the firm invests in developing the next
          business world. People don’t want to wait for facts   generation of employees because succession planning
          and figures. Advancements also mean that you have   forms an important strategy of Mazars. He said,
          to keep abreast of computerisation and technological   “We need to attract young partners. We also would
          developments, which can also be costly, as technical   also like to assist in developing new young staff. By
                                                              assisting them to grow we get a sense of achievement.
          excellence is a given.”
                                                              It is also important that we don’t employ people who
           He has also experienced challenges in navigating   go to work for the sake of work, but that get personal
          the various changes in South African law,           satisfaction out of their chosen profession.”
          including labour and Broad Based Black Economic       Bates said, “An important project aligned to the
          Empowerment legislation, which have affected        focus on employee training is an assessment of
          the way that we do business. Bates said, “It is     what our company will look like in the next 20 years.
          important to stay focused on the requirements of    It is essential to evaluate what the client really
          the profession and ignore the noises. However, it is   wants and look at their future needs. Then one can
          also important to navigate the changes and pull in   work out how to navigate the client’s success over
          solutions for our clients.”                         the next framework.”
           He added, “We need to ensure that our profession     Bates is married with two grown up children. He
          stays relevant. Current financial services generally   enjoy regularly gym sessions, which he says is a
          revolve around meeting the client’s needs and this   health necessity and plays golf when able to find the
          often entails being recognised as a trusted advisor.   time, as well as enjoys travelling.

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