Page 53 - KZN Leaders Portfolio E-BOOK 2107
P. 53

Vikash Narsai, founder and Chief Executive Officer at VNA   level. I have created a credible brand and I add value to the
                                                              industry. I want to make a difference. I am not prepared to
                 he strong-minded entrepreneurial career of Vikash   sell my soul to please others.”
                 started in 1991, as a trainee Quantity Surveyor on   VNA’s involvement in projects for the KwaZulu-Natal
                 an internship without pay, and created a 24-year
         Tpath forged on his focused dedication to bring a    Department of the Transport and the Department of
                                                              Public Works enabled him to obtain recognition for the
          unique vision to transformation of the Built Environment   ability to complete projects on time and within budget, as
          Industry. Being an entrepreneur often means setting out on a
          career filled with soaring highs and depressing lows – but at   well as with adherence to the highest standards. This was
                                                              the stepping stone to building credibility within the Civil
          the end of the day, “Attitude is everything”.
                                                              Engineering fraternity which was dominated only by Civil
           On completion of his studies in Building Surveying at ML   Engineers and not Built Environment Specialists with the
          Sultan Technikon, now known as The Durban University   requisite skills of the Industry. With this visionary move into
          of Technology, at the end of 1993, the lack of available   infrastructure, the VNA brand has grown from strength to
          quantity surveying positions as well as to make ends meet,   strength and led to the expansion well beyond the realm of
          forced Vikash to sell children’s books from door to door. His   traditional service offerings, such as project and construction
          continuous drive to embrace the built environment industry   management, design and construction services alone, to
          finally paid off when in 1995 he was given an opportunity   include a more direct focus on relationship-building.
          in Richards Bay as a Junior Quantity Surveyor for Coalfields   “As an individual or as a part of the VNA brand, there
          Construction, who were one of the largest Contracting
          firms located in Northern Natal. Apart from staying in a   is an obligation to effectively address the increasingly
                                                              essential ‘triple bottom line’, targeting economic, social and
          caravan for nearly 8 months which he, in his typical lively   environmental matters in our delivery of sustainable built
          spirit, to this day refers to as his “camping days”, he also
          had the unfortunate incident to crash his boss’s 3-month   environment solutions.”
          old 4x4. What he thought as being a cumulative disastrous   Infrastructure development in rural communities provided
          year, turned into a blessing leading to his promotion to the   the brand and myself, since 2007 much opportunity to grow.
          company’s portfolio of Chief Buyer in Vryheid as a result of   One of VNA’s flagship projects is in uMzimkhulu.  “We have
          his strong work ethos and commitment.               built the town, which has now put us on the map.”
           “This was an opportunity I embraced as all I was yearning   A pinnacle moment in his career was the decision to
          for, was experience”.                               make a considerable investment in sophisticated, state-of-
                                                              the-art pavement strength-testing equipment, designed to
           This led to his deployment to towns such as Ulundi,
          Nongoma, Empangeni, Newcastle, Volksrust, and       significantly improve road maintenance solutions in this
          Standerton with many challenging projects both within   country today and the future. This became the cornerstone
                                                              to the future of VNA.
          the Building & Civils fields, allowing his experience to be
          developed.                                            “KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) is a difficult province to work in.
                                                              If you want to prove yourself in business then KZN is the
           In 1998, he married his soulmate Anju, and simultaneously
          took up a new opportunity with the Durban-based     market. It is politically volatile, competition is rife and in order
          Construction Company Profour Projects and was deployed   to survive you have to be resourceful when working with rural
                                                              communities, as you cannot afford to be complacent.”
          to their Johannesburg office for a year. On moving back
          to KwaZulu-Natal, Vikash was deployed to the Kokstad   We are not in business for today only and I believe that
          Supermax Prison Housing Project as the Chief Project   we can make a difference by always looking ahead and
          Quantity Surveyor. His extensive knowledge of building sites   understanding rural concerns. We are proudly South African
          earned him respect he so rightly deserved. This contract was  and can compete with the big names in the industry.”
          to become a turning point in his professional life.
                                                                VNA is now a multidisciplinary practice, employing 296
           Transparency, fairness and due diligence have always   people, nationally. The company’s geographic footprint
          been the ethics by which he has undertaken work. He   encompasses a head office located in Durban, an additional
          was held in high regard by the stakeholders involved by   five branches and two satellite operations, three of which
          continually ‘going beyond the call of duty”. His approach,   are in KwaZulu-Natal, whilst its other local offices are
          which culminated in him wanting greater control of the   located in Gauteng, the Free State and the Western Cape.
          decision-making process, consequently led to the opening   In addition to its local business network, VNA’s Mauritius
          of a construction project management consultancy practice   office provides the enterprise with a presence within the
          in 2000 - with Anju being his partner - in this endeavour.   international market with strong affiliations in Denmark,
          Armed with passion and determination, they worked   Australia & India.
          tirelessly to prove naysayers wrong. At first negativity   “We have become built environment specialists, with
          seemed to be a reality in the early years, however, Vikash   much in-house expertise and understanding of the market.
          was determined to maintain his industry reputation by   On reflection, although at times my career has been tough,
          sticking to his principles. He says he felt strongly about his   it has been meaningful. Whenever, I have been at my
          company’s role in the industry and the vision he had.
                                                              lowest, there has been a turnaround. I believe that by adding
           “Taking calculated risks, as opposed to inattentive ones,   value through hard work, diligence and above all, integrity,
          are an important part of taking your business to the next   we would be unstoppable.”

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