Page 49 - KZN Leaders Portfolio E-BOOK 2107
P. 49

Managing and Founding Partner of Morar Incorporated
         R        OSHAN MORAR is a well-respected financial   become recognised as an award winning and well-
                                                              functioning state-owned company.
                                                                The various committees that he serves on range from
                  expert committed to making a difference at all
                                                              acquisitions, to commercial, audit and risk, human
                  levels in South Africa’s economy.
                   This expertise has been built over the last   resources, to remuneration and nominations.
                                                                 “The Board appointments have enhanced my personal
          21 years. In 1995 Roshan Morar opened his own       and professional growth. The experience and exposure
          accountancy firm in a small office in Church Street   that I have acquired as a Board member has helped build
          Pietermaritzburg. The firm now employs 186 staff    my business acumen. I hope that the contribution I am
          around the country and aims to double that figure in the   able to make serves the best interests of the shareholders
          coming years. With a head office in Pietermaritzburg,   as well as stakeholders, including society, labour and the
          and offices in Umhlanga, Bloemfontein, Polokwane,   environment”.
          Mpumalanga, Kimberley, Rustenburg, Cape Town and
          Centurion, the firm is positioned to service a national   The growth in his business acumen is apparent in his
          network of clients.                                 plans for his firm. Not only will the Durban operation
                                                              eventually increase, but the ambitious Morar also plans
           Morar has obtained substantial experience in all   to further reinforce the company’s presence in South
          aspects of the corporate environment, more especially   Africa –and has his sights set on growing the practice
          in property investments and finance, risk management   beyond the national borders to establish the firm as a
          and private equity transactions. He has also been   fully-fledged African practice.
          involved in an advisory capacity to various successful
          start-up businesses, including black economic         The capacity to analyse complex financial issues and
          empowerment management buyouts, among others.       to understand what kinds of risks a company is facing is
                                                              essential in today’s business.
           Driven by the motto “no client is too small,” the firm
          initially geared itself towards servicing black-owned   Morar said South African businesses need to be
          businesses, many of which were small and medium-    prepared for risks as with the economic pressures in
          sized family-owned businesses. The first family to take   today’s world, the potential for fraud was high.
          its business to Morar are still clients of the firm. Today,   “It is also imperative for every business to undertake a
          such businesses remain an important focus of the    risk assessment process to determine the potential impact
          auditing and tax services work. However, clients now   as a result of interruptions of time sensitive or critical
          cover a wide spectrum of businesses and industries,   business processes. Our internal audit division has now
          ranging from the sole-proprietor to big Johannesburg-  acquired the relevant CURA risk management software
          based corporations with hundreds of employees.      to document risks identified and assists with managing
           In line with Morar’s aim to provide value added    these risks to ensure business continuity.”
          services, the firm’s staff prides themselves on  building   The forensic investigation services range from
          relationships with clients and this personalised    international cross-border transactions to national and
          approach has been a consistent hallmark of the      local investigations, including employee corruption and
          practice. In addition, confidentiality and the quality of   fraud, as well as electronic and procurement fraud.
          the service are all-important aspects of service delivery.
                                                                The innovative firm also has experts skilled in
           Morar says of his career, “As an emerging Black    interview techniques, document review, authentication
          entrepreneur, there were many doors that remained   and records analysis. The latest technology in data
          closed. I remained focused and determined to change   interrogation software, monitoring and interception
          this.”  He added, “Taking calculated risks, hard work   hardware and fund-transfer tracking software is used.
          and being determined to achieve success,” had driven
          his career.  “In addition, balancing time and planning is   Morar Incorporated staff also consult for all three
          key,” said Morar. It is clear that his journey is far from   spheres of government and conduct external audits on
          finished.                                           behalf of the Auditor General of South Africa, of which
                                                              the firm is an accredited service provider.
           This success is very much evident in the many high
          profile board positions and board committees on which   It also makes Morar Incorporated the preferred service
          he currently serves.  Morar is the chairperson of the   provider for international companies wanting to start
          South African National Roads Agency (SANRAL) to     trading in South Africa.
          which he was appointed in March 2015. Morar is the    Under the financial guidance of Roshan Morar you
          deputy chairperson and independent non-executive    are in good hands. He is well on his way to making
          director of the Public Investment Corporation.      a positive impact on South Africa’s growth and
          Furthermore, Morar has been a non independent non-  development.  He said ,”I wish to make a difference at
          executive director of Adcock Ingram Holdings Limited   all levels; to create a legacy that would stand tall and be
          since April 2014. He is also the deputy chairperson   recognised as having made a difference. All we leave
          of Airports Company South Africa ACSA, which has    behind are our names and reputation.”

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