Page 45 - KZN Leaders Portfolio E-BOOK 2107
P. 45

KwaZulu-Natal Regional Manager for the Industrial   He says that he enjoys interacting with a range of
          Development Corporation (IDC)                       stakeholders from the ‘ordinary man on the street’ to
                                                              high ranking government leaders.
                 AT MOODLEY’s passion for banking resulted
                 in him joining the Industrial Development      However, he said, “Dealing with people is not
                 Corporation (IDC), where he has been         always easy and it takes exceptional skills, especially
         P employed for the last 17 years. He holds the       where finances are involved. When people need
          position of regional manager for the KwaZulu-Natal   to borrow money, a range of different behaviours
          region. Moodley previously worked for Standard Bank   become apparent, including anxiety, which you have
          and holds a B Com Degree in Accounting, a National   to respond to effectively. We try to understand the
          Diploma in Commerce and an MBA.                     needs of our clients. Part of my role is educating my
                                                              team how to manage people and to deal with the
           Moodley said that his passion for banking is coupled   various expectations that clients have. We constantly
          with the desire to have an impact on South African   work to empower people and their establishments,
          communities and to help people’s lives. As the      which may include identifying gaps that require
          IDC plays an important role as a catalyst assisting   attention or providing mentorship to assist their
          entrepreneurs in developing and funding their       businesses to grow.”
          businesses, this career path has been a great choice.
                                                                In addition, Moodley says that although he and his
           Moodley describes working at the IDC as a calling   team need to be very empathetic, they also need to
          which fits well with his personal attributes and    be firm on the occasions that the IDC is unable to
          demeanour. “Part of my personal philosophy is to do   assist with applications for funding. He commented,
          the right thing. It is important for me to adhere to policy   “Our mandate begins and ends somewhere and we at
          and the business ethics of the IDC sit well with me,”   times cannot fund clients because their business ideas
          says Moodley.                                       are outside of our mandate. This is a reality we need
           His commitment to his position is apparent in the   to communicate to such clients and it is not always
          explanation that he is not driven by monetary rewards,   easy as all projects impact on someone’s life.”
          but thrives on the demands of his job responsibilities   Moodley describes himself as leading by example
          and the sense of fulfilment that he receives at the end   and has an open door policy to both his employees
          of each day. He said, “The knowledge that through the   and clients.  He says, “We are very customer
          IDC’s investment, I am assisting with job creation and   focused and ensure that we provide a high level of
          contributing to stemming unemployment, gives me     service. I also believe in setting a strong example of
          much satisfaction.”                                 being available to clients and will respond to every
           Moodley has a specific interest in the clothing and   telephone caller, return calls when I am not available,
          textiles sector as he believes that revitalising this   as well as meet with clients on request. Business
          sector has great potential to provide employment    accountability rises and falls on effective leadership.”
          and alleviate poverty in vulnerable communities. He   Although Moodley is very comfortable with his
          added that the sector is primarily focused at providing   current achievements, he intends to ensure that the
          employment for women, which is an important focus   IDC continues to have an impact on the lives of people
          area of the IDC.                                    who require support. He believes that the KwaZulu-
           The commitment to his multifaceted role is apparent in   Natal Province has many opportunities and that it is
          the long and demanding hours that Moodley puts in to   important to tap into these. His personal vision for the
          ensure that his clients’ needs are met. He says, “Working   future is to continue adding value to the sectors that the
          at the IDC is not a standard eight to five job, I am often   IDC funds so that all business opportunities in those
          called out to assist a client at odd hours or need to put in   sectors may be successfully realised.
          late hours to ensure that we deliver to client expectations.”  Moodley is married with one son. In his leisure time,

           It is not surprising that Moodley is a very approachable   he and his family enjoy travel to ensure that they may
          people’s person, who displays high professional ethics.   spend quality time together.

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