Page 29 - Standard Bank KZN Top Business Women 2021
P. 29
My drive has always been compassion, humanity and just trying to
save the environment, because I do feel that we are on borrowed time.
Humanitarian a centralised facilitator, and before I knew it, I was and crop rotations. If they are in an environment full
feeding hundreds of people, every day, in a number of of pollution, there’s money to be made in recycling.
indsay Hopkins has always been a communities throughout KwaZulu-Natal.” It’s building up systems and networks, to make the
humanitarian at heart, even while working environment a better place to be.”
Lindsay started her initiative in a local church hall.
in corporate offices throughout Europe. She
She says that just before burn-out and bankruptcy In the future, Lindsay would love to continue to leave a
Lwas involved in outreach projects, working
occurred she found SA Harvest, which really spoke legacy, which is based around mentorship and leadership.
with troubled youth in London, and in Vietnam,
to her heart. “I approached them and asked if they’d “I really want to be able to teach many people about the
rescuing dogs and cats from the illegal dog meat trade.
support me in opening a KZN branch… and here we environment, and about the planet. We honestly need a
Back in South Africa, Lindsay is part of a national
are,” Lindsay explained. huge change in the way that we look after the planet and
Plastic Pact that supports a global drive, and she runs
the environment and that’s made by small steps. Just being
the KZN Operations for SA Harvest, a national food Through SA Harvest, short dated and surplus food that
more considerate and making responsible choices in the
rescue organisation. would otherwise go to landfill is rescued and redirected
way we do things, eat, or buy items in our lives.”
to communities in need. Out of the 30 million tons
Lindsay has founded and runs ‘Waste Action Tribe’,
of food produced annually, 10 million tons is wasted, A common thread
which is a group of like-minded action-orientated civil
and for no good reason. Not to mention the severely
society members. Her mission is to raise awareness and Lindsay believes that some of the biggest obstacles that
negative environmental impact it has. So, SA Harvest
educate people about the impact of plastic pollution. divide us, as women, are the widespread misconceptions
aspires to do more than just feed the hungry, they have
Lindsay supports both communities and corporates that we hold about one another. The nature of our
a heart to empower our communities and transform our
in making responsible choices and implementing problems is not solely determined by our socio-economic
environment; one truckload at a time.
incentivised and sustainable programmes to reduce status; there are an abundance of social issues that plague
pollution and waste. She achieves this mission through Give people a purpose us all. “When I think of some of the challenges I faced in
community, river, and beach clean ups as well as my home as a child, and I listen to the women’s issues in
Lindsay can normally be found on the ground and
undertakes educational talks in communities, at schools the communities that we support, there is such a common
usually barefoot. She explains, “I like to do more than
and corporates, in both rural and city areas. thread that links us all together. While life’s challenges
just feed. I want to build up communities, instil pride
are no respecter of persons, they are integral in shaping
Lindsay says her determination to reduce waste was driven and dignity with extended support programmes – giving
us into the people that we are. The sooner we are able to
by her childhood experiences as when she was growing up people a purpose again. I pride myself in building lasting
accept this truth; the sooner we’ll be able to break through
her family never had much money. “I was always trying partnerships and relationships, while encouraging a
the mental prison of victimhood and embrace the endless
to recycle, create clothing or make clothing and then that strong focus on a holistic and sustainable future. My
possibilities that life has to offer,” she explained.
interest went very quickly into food waste; anything that dream is self-sufficient communities where basic needs,
became inefficient or ineffective, just really bothered me.” food security, shelter and safety are a human right. My The advice that Lindsay would give to young females is
drive has always been compassion, humanity and just to hold your head up high, keep your shoulders back. “If
Transforming our environments
trying to save the environment, because I do feel that we you’ve got any concerns or questions; you really need to
During Covid, this work came to an abrupt halt, are on borrowed time.” open your mouth and just say so in a pleasant way and
but Lindsay now had communities that were living have a conversation or ask for advice,” she added.
hand to mouth, starving with no way of getting food. In commenting on some of the differences that she has
made; Lindsay says that this is apparent when she goes Lindsay concluded by saying that having your own sense of
She explains, “At the same time, I had farmers sitting
into communities to tackle inefficiencies and comes up self-worth creates a domino effect that improves your life.
with rotting produce. I set out to source food that was
otherwise going to be dumped due to the supply chain with solutions that are sustainable, and she can incentivise “You will see the importance in making good decisions,
being disrupted. I had an essential services work permit, communities to get involved. “The solutions may include you will command respect, and you’re able to set the tone
so I was free to move around. I very quickly became training and development in soil rejuvenation or seedling for the way that people should treat you.”