Page 2 - Standard Bank KZN Top Business Awards Winners 2024 - Awards Supplement e-Book
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     L-R: KZN Leader of the Year Award presented to Brian Howarth Chairman of Magnet (second from left) by Kuben Chetty, Head of Commercial Banking, Client Coverage KZN at Standard Bank; Simone Cooper, Head of Business and
     Commercial Banking South Africa at Standard Bank Group Ltd and Hameed Noormahomed Head of Coverage for Business Banking for KwaZulu-Natal at Standard Bank.

           he Standard         In 1982, he was promoted   responsible for all    electrical, lighting and   amongst the staff that has   Brian carries his
           Bank KZN Top        to depot engineer, and was   sales and new product   solar projects under their   helped drive its growth   adventurous spirit outside
     TBusiness Leader          in charge of 150 staff. His   development. He then went  belt.             and success.              of the boardroom through
      of the Year award is an   primary responsibility was   on to redirect the focus   Magnet is a true family   Brian is driven by a   numerous hobbies and
      honorary award given to   for the electrical network   of the company towards   business, both Brian’s   passion for technology   sports. He has completed
      a businessperson who has   in the area, including   industrial electrical   parents and sister worked   and innovation, his   comrades, Duzi, numerous
      demonstrated exemplary   substations, cables and   solutions and components,   in the business for many   inquisitive mind keeps   mountain bike races,
      business achievement,    overhead lights.         which saw his appointment   years. More recently his   him entrenched in all   Ironman and most recently
      industry influence and is a   In 1986, Brian joined   to managing director (MD)   daughter, Nicole, joined   the latest tech (even Tik   summited Mt Kilimanjaro
      true inspiration to others.                       in 1995.                                                                    at 65 years old.
                               Magnet Electrical Supplies                        as the third generation   Tok!). His greatest joy is
                               (Pty) Ltd, which was     As MD, Brian was         of Howarth’s to continue   to deliver the best solution   While Brian has recently
      This year the awardee is:    started by Brian’s father,   accountable for steering   on the legacy Brian has   to his customers and see   stepped down as MD of
      BRIAN HOWARTH            Ernest Howarth in 1972.   the company on the path   steered for the last 32   the benefit it adds to the   Magnet, he continues to
                               From humble beginnings   of profitability and growth   years.              success of their businesses.   stay highly involved and
      Brian Ernest Howarth
      matriculated from        selling armature wire the   and in 2005 Magnet once   It is an incredible privilege   Of many highlights of   instrumental in the success
      Westville Boy’s High     business has grown and   again shifted focus in   (and sometimes) challenge   his career a standout   of the business. Despite
      School in 1974. He       evolved to becoming a    the direction of energy   to work with family. But it   moment was when Magnet   stepping into ‘retirement’
      then went on to work at   leading electrical supplies   efficient offerings. In   has created an incredible   successfully completed a   he has recently started two
      Durban Electricity in    and energy solutions     2019, Magnet’s solar     culture and people-centric   multistage energy saving   new business ventures and
      1976 as a learner technical   business servicing   division was established   focus to the business. All   DSM project for Eskom,   shows no sign of slowing
      assistant. After four    KwaZulu-Natal and        and today, Magnet is a   employees are considered   the proceeds are which   down. He will continue to
      years, he qualified as an   Gauteng industrial and   leading industrial and   part of the family, and this   allowed him to build his   make a significant mark on
      engineer and worked in   commercial markets.      commercial electrical and   has fostered an incredible   dream head office in River   the electrical industry for
      the planning department.   Brian was initially    energy solutions provider   loyalty and dedication   Horse Valley.          years to come.
                                                        with numerous large scale

     L-R: Brian Howarth, Chairman; Nicole Snyders, Strategy & Communications Director; Narasha Ramlutchman-Nel,   L-R: Colette Howarth; Narasha Ramlutchman-Nel, Financial Director, Magnet; Brian Howarth, Chairman, Magnet;
     Financial Director; Hilton Fortmann, Managing Director, Magnet .            Dean Shepherd, Standard Bank; Nicole Snyders, Strategy & Communications Director Magnet and Simone Cooper.

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