Page 6 - Standard Bank KZN Top Business Awards Winners 2024 - Awards Supplement e-Book
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           he winning project   to ‘create better tomorrows   demand generation,
           will reflect the    for the young children   marketing, and skills
      Timportance of           of South Africa’ through   development training.
      teamwork and effective   partnerships. Their
      inter-agency collaboration.  programmes supporters   Gagasi FM
                               join in together to provide   Gagasi FM is dedicated to
      The finalists are:                                                               At the DO MORE FOUNDATION, we
                               nutrition, early learning   teamwork, effective inter-
      •  Tidy Towns Shelley    resources, and parenting   agency collaboration, and    believe that “together we can #DoMore”
        Beach to Margate       programmes.              community upliftment.
      •  Do More Foundation                             Its flagship event and
                               Phakamani                CSI projects not only
      •  Phakamani             Empowerment
        Empowerment            Phakamani Empowerment,    showcase the station’s
                                                        ability to work seamlessly
      •  Gagasi FM             formed in 2011, is a     but also highlight their       By partnering with us, your corporate social investment can create a greater impact,
      Tidy Towns Shelley Beach   seasoned agency specialising   commitment to making a   supporting the well-being of young children and families in underserved communities
                                                                                       across South Africa.
      to Margate               in transformative initiatives,   positive impact in KZN.  Why Partner With Us?
      Tidy Towns is a          including social behaviour   The winner is:
      community-driven         change communication,    DO MORE FOUNDATION                      Proven success: Our "Everyone Gets to PLAY" model, endorsed by
                                                                                                President Ramaphosa, unites various sectors to create environments
      initiative supported     self-esteem campaigns,                                           where young children thrive.
      by volunteers, security
      companies, Ray Nkonyeni                                                                   Award-winning: Recognised for our excellence in partnerships, our
      Municipality, the local                                                                   collaborative approach ensures exponential social returns.
                                                                                                Winner of Partnerships Standard Bank KZN Top Business 2024
      SA Police and business.
      Participants restore public
      spaces to clean and safe                                                                  Stringent compliance: Adopting RCL FOODS' financial and compliance
                                                                                                processes (as our founder), we guarantee transparency and accountability.
      environments, while
      creating opportunities to                                                                 Real impact: We implement the National Integrated Early Childhood
      improve the livelihood of                                                                 Development (ECD) Policy with tailored, community-focused solutions for
      the cleaning teams.                                                                       real children in real communities.

      Do More Foundation                                                               Join Us in Making a Difference. When you invest with us, you're joining a movement
                                                                                       that ensures young children and families in South Africa have the opportunities they
      The Do More Foundation                                                           deserve. Contact today to learn more about how your
      founded by RCL Foods is                                                          business can become a vital part of our mission.
      an independent non-profit   L-R: Imraan Noorbhai, Head of Personal and Private Banking KZN at
                               Standard Bank; Warren Farrer CEO, Do More Foundation; Iris Naidoo,
      organisation with a vision   Partnership Manager, Do More Foundation; and Grant Adlam, CEO,
                               KZN Top Business.

                                                                                 MANUFACTURING SECTOR

                                                                                       his award is       stop shop solution, bringing   not only a legacy as a KZN
                                                                                       broadly defined    together a cooperative    brand but investment in
                                                                                 Tas the physical or      cluster of specialised    the driving future of tyre
                                                                                 chemical transformation   companies under one roof.  manufacturing in the
                                                                                 of materials or compounds   Joekels Tea Packers    province through its multi-
                                                                                 into new products.                                 billion-rand commitment.
                                                                                                          Started in 1994, Joekels pack,
                                                                                 The finalists are:       blend and distribute some of   SA Adhesives
                                                                                 ■   LHL Engineering      South Africa’s most popular   Founded in 1995, and based
                                                                                                          household tea and coffee   in Durban, SA Adhesives
                                                                                 ■   Joekels Tea Packers  brands including Tetley,   specialises in manufacturing
                                                                                 ■   Sumitomo Rubber South    Laager, Tea Time, Tea4Kidz,   FDA-approved water-based
                                                                                   Africa                 and Society Coffee and have   adhesives for the paper and
                                                                                 ■   SA Adhesives         the highest global food safety   packaging sectors, ensuring
                                                                                 LHL Engineering          and quality certification.   compliance with industry
                                                                                                                                    standards and delivering
                                                                                 LHL’s roots go back to   Sumitomo Rubber South     high-quality products.
                                                                                 1969 and caters for all   Africa
                                                                                 types of fabrication, using   Sumitomo Rubber South   The winner is:
                                                                                 steel, carbon, titanium and   Africa believes in leading by   SUMITOMO RUBBER
                                                                                 exotics. LHL offers a one-  example and demonstrates   SOUTH AFRICA

                                                                                 L-R: Kuben Chetty, Head of Commercial Banking Coverage KZN at Standard Bank; Lubin Ozoux, CEO, Sumitomo
                                                                                 Rubber South Africa; and Grant Adlam, CEO, KZN Top Business.

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