P. 183
May 1950
My dear friends,
Thanks for your grateful letters received this month from all over the
world. You will be delighted to know that this Monthly Sanctuary Letter is
going now to twenty-six different countries.
Since its inception the numbers have spiralled by leaps and bounds each
month. More and more people from all over the world are asking for them.
Here are some of the requests received:
“I have been brought in contact with your Sanctuary through Mr. and
Mrs. B. . . . please send me your wonderful Monthly Letter, I have never read
anything so inspiring.” S.S.G.
“Please send me your Sanctuary Monthly Letter. I had it sent to me by
Mrs. G. . . . . from London. I was a very sick person but after studying your
Sanctuary Letter I recovered so quickly that the Doctors were amazed. I showed
my Doctor your letter and he said it was the finest explanation he had read and
practical. He would like the letter as well, his address is enclosed.
“Some time ago you wrote to us on Faith. Would it be possible to give
us further enlightenment on this subject? Your last letter on Faith was so wonderful
that I gave it to the Reverend Alexander. He said it opened a new world for
him. Please give us more about Faith.” A.M.S.
“God bless you for what you have done. My husband has completely
recovered from his illness. To think that within a few hours after receiving your
wire that you were treating him he regained consciousness and was out of bed
four days afterwards yet the doctor said he could not live. Wonders will never
cease. God is good. May he bless your Sanctuary a hundredfold.” G.G.M.
These are just a few of the many letters received this month. I am always
glad to hear from you. It is encouraging to know that so much good work is being
done through the Sanctuary.
I have been asked again by many to write on “Faith,” apparently my
letter on Faith given some time ago had a deep effect on many readers of the
Sanctuary letter and in this letter I will give you further instruction on Faith.
* See Notes on page 186