P. 185


                    The cure of this is given in the Master’s words, “resist not evil” but take hold of
                    the Tree of Life and cease eating of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good
                    and Evil—the relative world.

                           The Tree of Life is the “Presence,” the Eternal Life, and this is behind all
                    creation while the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is what man thinks in
                    his ignorance of the “Eternal” within himself, and so what he believes so it
                    is unto him.

                           Immediately the “Presence” is realized “Faith” is established. If you are
                    struggling to find something in the dark the struggle ceases when you bring a
                    light into the darkness. The “Presence” is the Light of man. I am the Light of the

                    world and he that believeth in me will not remain in darkness.” You will see that
                    this is not merely a platitude or a saying but a direction to mankind to free
                    himself from struggle, thus acquiring the faith that will move mountains.

                           Our Creative Power depends upon the power of the “Presence” in our
                    consciousness, and “Faith” is the instrument that brings forth what you desire.
                    Just as electricity will flow into the globe to create light so does the Creative

                    Intelligence flow into the ideas you hold steadfast in your consciousness.
                           We must clearly understand what is our relation to God. “I and the
                    Father are one.” “As the Father has life in Himself so He grants the son to have
                    Life in himself.” All things are made by Him and without Him not anything is

                    made. This proves that the materialization of our thoughts is made visible by
                    the Creative Power of God inherent in us. The realization of this Truth is the
                    basis of our “Faith.”

                           God is all, and the master perceived this fundamental Truth and used it.
                    When this is established in your consciousness it will begin to reproduce its effects in
                    the outer because the outer is but the reflection of the inner.
                           Thus you will see that wholeness is the secret of perfect action and the

                    Master’s words, “wilt thou be made whole” is proof of this fact. When you realize
                    that you are made in His image and likeness then there is no need to struggle to
                    create wholeness. You are, and that is all there is to it.

                           As your neighbour is yourself and in the light of this great Truth you
                    should not hold an image of another contrary to what you would like yourself
                    to be. What you hold in your mind about another is sure to be out-pictured

                    in your own life and circumstances. The Master warned us, not to condemn
                    lest we be condemned.
                           Now to repeat my words will not give you freedom from the effects

                    of your own mental action. It is not what I say or what another may say

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