P. 299
This power only comes into action in mankind when mankind realizes
this fact. When man is aware of his God-power he has inherited by Divine
right, he can use this Divine Power which has dominion over all things. Man is
the master when he is aware of his true Spiritual birthright, born of the Spirit
and not of flesh and blood.
The Spirit which is continually passing into manifestation is always
the same Spirit, in other words the only “One.” Then God makes things by
becoming the things He makes, all He made He says is good. If this is so how
can man say that God created evil.
The logical conclusion all thinking men and women must come to is
that there cannot be anything but the Infinite and no matter how we may try to
accept the theories of our theologians, we cannot when we see that it is our and
their misconception of things that makes things look as evil because we have
not yet come to understand the process of involution and evolution.
Therefore God has involved Himself in all His creation including man.
The beginning and the end are one, for God, the only One being Omnipotent,
Omniscient and Omnipresent, has created within Himself and thus is expressing
Himself through all His creation including mankind. Mankind having the
power to become aware of this Creative Power as the ruling factor in his own
life also has power over all things less aware than himself.
As there can be only one Mind, one Substance, one Power for there
can be no other, otherwise God could not be Infinite thus men not cognisant
of this fact creates in himself and by himself by his wrong thinking through his
misconception of the Reality of things.
The Bible is symbolic language and the symbol of Heaven and earth
means the inner and the outer. Water is the symbol for the psychic substance
where cause ends and effect begins, so with men, his thinking is cause and
what is visible is the effect.
Therefore we have to accept the truth that Spirit “God” being the
only One, is Consciousness, Intelligence and Substance, and Its pure action
is wisdom love and power. With these all things are created, this is the Divine
Creation in which there can be no flaw.
We are forced to accept, by reason of the fact that it could not be
otherwise, that the Infinite, the Eternal One, timeless, limitless, ageless,
birthless, deathless, the first and only Cause, remember has individualized
Himself yet not separated in any way in Himself for this is impossible.