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                    This is the only source of power and we will experience this power when
                    we begin to think with understanding.
                           The individualization of the highest Universal Intelligence becomes

                    our creative power to the corresponding degree that we recognise it and
                    nothing else, upon this inner self we must rely and not upon another self
                    however great. The Universal Creative Intelligence becomes individualized
                    when it is fully realized by the individual as the only source of Life and action.

                           The Master said. “it is the Father who ever remains in me who is
                    performing His own deeds.” The connecting link between the Universal and
                    the individual is the conscious awareness of this great Truth that the Master

                    revealed, and this Truth must be found by the individual through action, not
                    merely through belief. The thoughts that flow from the consciousness that
                    is feeling aware, produces results one hundredfold.

                           The whole Universe is made manifest in form from the formless through
                    the direct action of thought. The basis of this perfect creation is founded on
                    “Love.” The law of permanent growth in us depends upon the Law of Love

                    and how to express it. In other words, what profit has man if he gains the whole
                    world and loses his own soul. Paul says, “I may distribute all I possess in
                    charity but if I have no love I make nothing of it.”
                           You may ask me for the rule of successful living and I will refer you

                    to the Master’s words, “thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart with
                    all thy soul and with all thy mind.” “Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.”
                           “Love thy neighbour as thyself.” These words challenge us. Yet we

                    push them aside saying it may be a virtue but it is not practical. But without
                    the observance of this law no successful living can be attained.
                           Our neighbour is not only essential to us economically and socially,
                    but is also the expression of the “One” Whole to which we all belong. If we are

                    to accomplish successful living we must understand the joint relationship of
                    ourselves, our neighbours and the Creative Principle that lies behind all. The
                    consciousness of this relationship will create a new world for all to live in.

                           Unfortunately the motive to help serve others is not always pure, for
                    within the desire there is hidden pride and conceit, the clamour to help is more
                    often born of vanity. If we would help our neighbour we must know ourselves,

                    for we are the other fellow. Outwardly we may be different but inwardly we
                    are very much alike, driven by craving, dread and ambition.
                           Without knowledge of the self we will not understand the Other’s needs.

                    Without this understanding we are acting in ignorance so creating more misery

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