P. 422
“The lips of the wise spread knowledge;
not so the minds of fools.” Prov. 15: 7.
Electricity must exist first before we can have electric lights. We see the
light but fail to realize that that light could not be, if electricity did not exist first.
What we know about electricity even now with our vast modern knowledge
on the subject is but a fraction of what can yet be known about it.
Light is the manifestation of electricity, just as man is the manifestation
of Life, as there is but one electric power behind all the lights in the city so
there is but one Life behind all mankind. There can be no flaw in the Life just
as there can be no flaw in the electricity, so the Real in man is the Life, just as
the real in the light is the electricity. Few ever think of this Truth because they
are caught-up in their own conditioning which prevents understanding.
Electricity is not affected when the globe breaks or the motor goes
out of order. Neither is Life affected when the body is out of order.
The Consciousness in man is not the result of evolution nor is it reaction
to things external, it is the essential awareness of Life Itself. Man is essentially
Spiritual and is now in Reality, this is his true nature, but he does not realize it
because he fails to discern what is false.
Now, we know that matter in itself is powerless and we know that
matter is ether modified, and ether is mind substance modified. Thought enters
into mind-substance and is out-pictured in form, first in mind-substance
then in ether and finally in matter. In other words, our thoughts become
objectified in the physical.
Thought can arise from our reaction to the external and can create
havoc in our lives when we do not understand how it originates. When our
thought is reproduced in our bodies and environment we become anxious
because we do not know the cause.
In the world today people are following the tradition of the past without
thinking for themselves, therefore repeating the errors of the past and religiously
holding on to them. We wrangle and fight over our various beliefs, so the world
goes on suffering the result. It is only when we realize that we are the world and
we ourselves are the cause of our suffering do we begin to think for ourselves
and see the false which man himself has created.
* See Notes pages 424