P. 417
When we see that we have brought about our own misery by our
beliefs etc., we will let them drop away from us, then we will become aware of
our true nature and our limitations, our confusion will disappear.
When we begin to understand the mechanism of our thought, our
reactions etc., we will see how we have reacted to error and by doing so have
established error in our lives, the great prizes are awarded to those who can
discern all this. We must be one-pointed in regard to Life Itself which is
man’s creativeness.
When the sun’s rays pass through a magnifying glass and are focussed
one-pointedly on an object it will dissolve it away. So it is with the discernment
of our thought-action and reaction, brought about through our beliefs etc. We
will see the cause is within ourselves and not outside us. We will realize that
our Creative Power is one with the Creative Power of the Universe, then it
is, “Thy Will be done, not mine, O Lord.”
If we can see that that which we formulate in our own minds is not
Reality then Reality will reveal itself. But before we can break down this
confusion we must become aware of it and know what it is and how it
comes about.
If we isolate ourselves from one another through our beliefs, our creeds,
our nationalities, our ideologies, we can never have true relationship which
is freedom. We must become aware of this isolation to break it down. No
matter how we try to escape from the misery we cannot do so without
understanding it. We can never escape from the confusion and misery until
we understand it from every angle, then we will see that we ourselves are
the cause.
All the revolution we see going on in the outer is utterly useless unless
the inward revolution has first taken place, to rely on others is utterly futile.
What will bring peace in mind, body and circumstances is inward trans-
formation. This will lead to outer transformation and there is no other way.
Peace will come when we ourselves are peaceful and not before.
“When a man’s ways please the Lord he makes even his enemies to
be at peace with him.” Prov. 16: 7.