P. 414


                                  “To get wisdom is better than gold, to get understanding

                                    is to be chosen rather than silver.” Prov. 16: 16.

                           The Bible is a book that most people take as a guide and consult it to
                    find an answer to their problems. The answer to our problems is not outside

                    ourselves, it is within ourselves, although the Bible does help us to see the
                    way when we begin to understand ourselves, it is still outside ourselves. Jesus
                    said, “ye read the Scriptures and ye think ye have Eternal Life?”

                           In the first book of Genesis there is a statement which the prophet who
                    wrote it knew what he was talking about. He shows that God saw that His
                    work was good. The Divine could see no flaw anywhere and this Perfect

                    Creation includes man.
                           There can be no flaw in the Divine Mind which includes man, but
                    as soon as man descends into the intellectual, he creates out of his own very

                    limited understanding the errors that create havoc in his life.
                           This world of error is man’s conception of things which is quite
                    different to the Divine Creation. If man can see for himself the falseness of
                    his own conceptions he would not hold on to them.

                           If man then cannot see the falseness of his own creation how can he
                    ever reach that which is Divine? Man’s conceptions are the result of his
                    ignorance and because he does not know what is false, he cannot realize

                    what is true. Thus the misdirection of his creative power of thought produces
                    for him corresponding results which he calls reality. In fact there is nothing
                    real about it (at) all, for Reality is harmony while man creates the reverse
                    because he does not know what is false.

                           Man now asks, how can we solve the present crisis in the world? Is
                    there anything that the individual can do to stop bloodshed and misery taking

                           What man sees in the world is just the result of his own everyday life.
                    It is the outward expression of man’s inward state. So man is responsible
                    for the misery. If then man is responsible, it also rests with man to put an

                    end to all the misery.
                           Man misdirects his thought-power and because he is caught-up in his
                    own action and reaction he fails to see the Truth of the Divine Nature of


                    *  See Notes page 417                  413
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