P. 416


                           Mind and matter are passive in nature, matter being a grosser form
                    of mind in which form takes place in the physical plane through the agency of
                    thought-action. If we can see from whence our thought-action arises we

                    can dissolve it, then the Divine Creator would manifest because It is, we
                    do not have to create It.
                           What we create is the evil that arises out of our ignorance of the
                    Truth of our Being. Therefore evil does not oppose good for when we get

                    rid of one we get rid of the other, they are both intellectual creations of
                    man’s mind. What is unpleasant for him he calls evil and what is pleasant
                    he calls good. But in the Divine Creation there is neither. If we have good

                    we must have evil, then we live in the world of opposites which is of our
                    own making and thus we become confused.
                           When we reach a true state of understanding we will see the cause.

                    We will no longer be blind to the causes in operation for we will not be
                    caught-up in them. Then we will know the meaning of, “as a man thinketh
                    in his heart so is he.”

                           We will then see that the great diseases, the great evils in the world
                    today are desire for power, position, prestige, the worship of different flags
                    and the worship of different religions, the worship of different dogmas, all
                    these lead to war and misery. If we are smitten with any of those diseases

                    we build a society which will end in destruction. So you see, it depends
                    upon us, but no one seems to realize it.
                           Is it not a fact that most people look to a leader, a new president, a

                    Stalin or a Churchill and all the rest for a solution? But it does not depend upon
                    others, it depends upon ourselves. If once we felt the responsibility of our own
                    actions how quickly we would bring to an end all this appalling misery,
                    but, you see, we are indifferent because we do not want to be disturbed.

                           What is the use of having peace talks and the like, if we the cause of
                    this misery, do not transform ourselves through understanding the cause?
                           Man must be created in God because there is nothing outside Him.

                    Therefore man must be created out of the substance of God because there is
                    nothing else. Divine Intelligence being perfect must reflect its own perfection
                    and this is the only Reality.

                           An error has no power of its own and when corrected disappears into
                    nothingness. When we see the error we can correct it and it dissolves away,
                    and what is left is that which always is, which reflects its own perfection.

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