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our mental make-up? So in our ignorance we call it “Reality,” when all the
time it is but an illusion of the mind. It is only when we begin to see this
illusion that we begin to realize the Real which is never antagonistic, never
envious, never condemning or blaming, accepting or rejecting.
Constantly understanding what is in the mind enables us to free our-
selves from all that hinders the Truth from manifesting.
The Truth is Love-Wisdom and not merely the words “love” and
“Wisdom.” Love-Wisdom comes into being when we dissolve all that hinders
It. It comes into being when we understand ourselves and our mental make-up.
So it is necessary to enquire into the whole process of words and this is
very pertinent and requires a conscious alertness for enquiring, For instance,
some leader, religious or political, makes a statement and without thinking
you agree, then you wave flags or you fight. But you have not examined what
was said, and since you have not examined what was said you become an
imitator or objector. You merely react. So you are conditioned through your
What you have to discover is, what is the cause of your conditioning,
then the mind begins to free itself from its conditioning. In this alone can
Truth be realized.
Once the mind begins to understand the false, the false will be seen
instantly and it then dissolves into nothingness where it belongs, for Truth
alone has Its own Eternity. I have repeated many times that error has no
principle, has nothing to stand upon, has no foundation, it only exists in the
mind that is ignorant of its nature.
So with most people in the world today, they want to bridge the
unbridgeable, they want to serve both truth and error. They pray to God while
steeped in error. They want Reality, yet still cling to the illusion of error. It
cannot be done, there is no Truth in ignorance. God is not divided.
Truth is action, error is “reaction.” We all know reaction but very few
know “action,” for action only comes when we understand that the word
“God” is not God, that a name for a thing is not the thing itself. Action can
only be done in the present, never in the past or the future.
There is a conscious awareness of the Eternal Truth when there is a
constant awareness that discerns the false. It was this that Jesus meant when he
said, “watch and pray.”
We must ever be on the watch for the false that seeps our health,
strength and happiness. If we are careless and accept the false we have only