P. 405


                           Some say they have overcome death, but surely everything that has
                    to be overcome must be overcome again and again. When you conquer your
                    enemy you have to conquer him again and again, that is why wars continue.

                    The moment you vanquish one, there is another to be vanquished, so that
                    which is overcome can never be understood.
                           Overcoming is merely a form of suppression and that which is suppressed,
                    whether it be internal or external, can never be understood. The overcoming of

                    a fear is merely the postponing of that fear, so it is with the fear of death.
                           So we try all the tricks of the mind to hypnotise the mind. If we look
                    at this closely we will see that they are but ways of the self. So we pray in the

                    hope that we shall get a place in heaven, this is merely a process of thinking,
                    which is conditioning us to time. We fear our own thoughts, so we fear the
                    thought of death.

                           Fear exists only in relation to something! We are afraid of not becoming,
                    we are afraid of the unknown, of death. Can such a fear be overcome by
                    determination, by a conclusion by choice? Obviously not. So fear can never be

                    overcome by any form of discipline. Mere suppression or substitution only
                    creates resistance.
                           Freedom from fear cannot be attained through mere intellectual or
                    verbal explanation. We are afraid of a fact or an idea about a fact. Are we

                    afraid of the thing as it is or are we afraid of what we think it is? Are we
                    afraid of the fact of death or the idea of death? Fact is one thing and idea is

                           I am afraid of the idea not of the fact. When I am in complete
                    communion with the fact, there is no fear. But as long as I only have an
                    opinion, a theory about the fact, I am not sure, so my doubt creates fear.
                    How can there be fear of a fact when I am face to face with the fact, in

                    direct communication with it. I can look at it, observe it, therefore there is
                    no fear of the fact. What causes fear is my apprehension about the fact,
                    what the fact might be or do.

                           There can be freedom from fear only when there is self-knowledge.
                    For self-knowledge is the beginning of wisdom, which is the ending of

                           “And he saith unto them, why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? And
                    then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great
                    calm.” Matthew 8: 26.

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