P. 404


                    through awareness of what is preventing the Silence now. For only through
                    awareness does the Universal function.
                           Practice is the thing that enables us to be proficient in the art of

                    awareness, Living and acting. In us the Spirit of God is individualized and
                    we must seek the law of Causation by ourselves, for by no other means
                    can it be found. Then we will know that we are the cause of all the effects
                    we produce, hence the necessity of understanding the cause.

                           Are we not conditioned by our past, by conformity, by desire for our
                    advancement, by the subtle accumulation of power? And though we may
                    be outwardly active we are inwardly dead.

                           So we seek continuity, so we are caught-up in Time. What is Time,
                    anyhow? There is chronological time and there is also another time,—the
                    psychological process of continuity. We want to continue, and in the very desire

                    to continue we create the process of time and the fear of not continuing. It
                    is the fear of not continuing that we are afraid of.
                           After all, what is it that continues? If we live from moment to moment

                    we will know death, for we die each moment to live each moment and
                    knowing death we shall know Life, because the two are not very different.
                    If we do not know how to live, we are afraid of death. But if we know how
                    to live, there is no death.

                           Most people do not know how to live so they look upon death as a
                    negation of Life, therefore they are afraid of death. But if we understand
                    what living is we shall know death in the very process of living.

                           The difficulty is for us to die to all things that we have accumulated,
                    to yesterday. It is only when we die from moment to moment to the things
                    of yesterday, and understand the whole significance of continuity, that there is
                    the Unknown, that which continues can never know the Unknown, for that

                    which continues is the known. But if you die to the known the Unknown
                    will reveal Itself and has no continuity, for continuity means a beginning
                    and an ending, but that which is beyond time has no beginning or ending.

                           Most people live only in the known, therefore yesterday and tomorrow
                    become more important than the Ever-present. But the Ever-present is the
                    Eternal, therefore we must die to the known to realize the Unknown. It is

                    the known that wants continuity.
                           The moment that is past must come to an end before the renewal takes
                    place. It is the dying to the known that reveals the Unknown, so death and

                    Life are in the same cup.

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