P. 399
Beliefs are a process of the mind and are born of the known. If you
merely say “God is the Unknown” so you create an idea of the Unknown.
But your mental creation of the Unknown is not the Unknown.
The man who accumulates wealth, builds temples, organises religions,
the bishops, the cardinals, the preachers as well as the man who drops the
bombs say God is their companion, surely their belief is but a form of self-
expansion. It is their own conceit. Those who have conditioned their minds
to a particular pattern which they call their religion, can never realize the
Ultimate Reality which is Love and affection.
For the Unknown to be, the mind must be completely emptied, so the
important thing is not what you believe or disbelieve or what your activities
are, but to understand the whole process, the whole content of yourself,
and that means being aware from moment to moment without any sense
of accumulation.
Only when the mind is utterly silent without any sense of acceptance or
rejection, without resistance, condemning or blaming, and without any sense
of accumulation—when the self has died, then only is there that which is
The word is not important any more, for there is a state of creativeness
which is not an idea or a word nor the expression of the Self. Then you will
know what is, what is Indescribable. A description of the Indescribable is
merely a cultivation of memory. To verbalize the Indescribable is to put It
into time and that which is of time cannot be the Timeless.
This knowing is not the result of the known, but knowing that the
known is not the Unknown. It is not obtained through reason, for It is beyond
reason but It does not run contrary to reason. It is not obtained through
space or time factor, because It is Ever-present in Its own Eternity. Therefore
every moment all Life is concentrated at any point in Its Omnipresence that
you may choose to realize.
Realizing is not knowing what It is, but knowing that It is. You do
not create Reality. Reality created you within Itself and Itself is Eternally
present. “I am in the Father and the Father is in me.”
Divine Reason helps towards this Divine Realization, we reason towards the
Ultimate, then reason ceases to be because it can go no further. It knows it can
never know and at that moment there is Reality.
Science has shown us that solid substance can be changed to liquids
and liquid into gases and gases into a more rarefied substance we call ether