P. 394


                    This is infinitely more beneficial to us than all our prayers, offerings and
                           The offering of prayers year after year has never taken the sense of

                    error out of the world. If the teachings of Jesus had not been mutilated to
                    suit the dogmatists and separatists, man would have freed himself long
                    ago from imitation and belief, which is causing so much separation and
                    strife in the world today. Good prayers are our acts, false prayers are our

                    words, “By their fruit ye shall know them.”
                           It is not all those who say, “Lord, Lord,” shall enter the Kingdom,
                    the Kingdom of Truth within, which is free from all conditioning. It is not

                    those who say, “I see” but those who do, so that the world will be wiser for
                    the transformation. It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle
                    than for one who is only learned in worldly knowledge to embrace the Truth of

                    the Living Christ.
                           It is this great Truth that we must see. It is not an intellectual reaction
                    that is required, but action so that transformation can take place immediately.

                    Unless we can see that we are lost in a host of images that mean nothing,
                    we will continue to be lost in images and ideas which blind us to Reality,
                    so the blind lead the blind and they all fall into the ditch.
                           When freedom is obtained you understand, you think purely and move

                    fearlessly even in the world of shadows. There is no more hindrance when
                    you know all your accumulations are but memories. The Word that was in
                    the beginning is now, and is made manifest in the flesh. The flesh has no

                    say in the matter, so the Word remains immortal.
                           The Consciousness of the Divine moves in the individual and just
                    as the planets are planned by the great Architect of the Universe, so the same
                    activity is moving man and there is nothing to fear. Man creates his own

                    fears and hopes through his ignorance of the Truth of his Being.
                           In this discovery we find that there is only “One Being”  and there is
                    none other, therefore this “Being” must be our Being for there can be none

                    other. Therefore I am and you are the same Being. There can be no isolation in
                    Reality. “The Kingdom is within you.”
                           “Honour conferred upon a fool is like a bag of gems laid on  heap of

                    stones.” Prov. 26: 8 (Moffatt)

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