P. 396

September 1953

                    My dear friends,

                           It is evident that when we take the Greater Vision away from the
                    limited self and its desires, there is a foundation for true healing.
                           When we think of others more than ourselves the Mighty Intelligence

                    that moves in all of us seems to take a hand in our personal lives. This is
                    natural because is it not the same Life that is manifesting as a whole every-

                           This thought is pregnant with wisdom and its application will bring
                    about benefit not only to the world but also to ourselves, for are we not the

                           Here are a few extracts from the many letters received this month:
                           “I am deeply grateful to you for your wonderful Monthly Letters.
                    I look forward eagerly to them and when I read them I hand them round to

                    my friends. They have created a deep impression on everyone who has read
                    them.” C. S. New Zealand.
                           “The greatest thing in my life was when I contacted the Sanctuary of the
                    Silent Healing Power. Prior to this I was a dejected irritable person. Now my

                    life has changed and I have many friends. My health has improved so much
                    that my wife says she is thankful for your Spiritual help.” A. J. C. Holland.
                           “Every day I give thanks for your words of wisdom expressed in the

                    Monthly Letters, words cannot express my appreciation of the help you have
                    given to me. May God bless you and your wonderful work.” N. C. E. Transvaal.
                           “I need scarcely tell you how much I feel your letters have and do benefit me
                    in so many different ways and I always welcome their arrival and enjoy reading

                    them and lending them to those I feel will appreciate and benefit from them
                    also. I always carry one in my handbag for perusal in waiting rooms and on
                    short journeys.” A. M. H. Australia.

                                   THE UNKNOWN CANNOT BE KNOWN.
                                 WHAT IS KNOWN IS NOT THE UNKNOWN*

                                  “For I have given you an example, that ye should
                                    do as I have done to you.” St. John 13: 15.

                    *  See Notes page 399
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