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                    and vice versa, but the energy is still the same, there is nothing lost and nothing
                    is gained, just a change in the polarity of ether atoms.
                           At present we are consciously reacting to the physical, yet consciousness

                    can react to the finer states of matter which is mind modified. There is but one
                    substance out of which everything is made and this substance interpenetrates
                    everything and although it is invisible to us it is the basis of every visible

                           It is the Unmanifest that gives rise to the manifest. In other words the
                    Invisible gives rise to the visible and Life the Unknowable is the Creativeness
                    within, that creates but still remains the uncreated.

                           If we seek to corner Reality for our own welfare we will become
                    antagonistic to others and this leads to frustration.
                           It is always the “I” that stands in the way, where there is Love the

                    “I” dissolves away and Wholeness-Reality comes into Being. Then all power
                    is given unto me in heaven and on earth.
                           “Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose

                    shall those things be, which thou hast provided?” St. Luke l2; 20.


                           O Great Eternal Reality, when I spoke of Thee my mind made up a
                    conception of Thee.
                           When I saw that my conception was my own creation it dissolved

                           When I knew that the known could not possibly be the Unknown,
                    my mind ceased to formulate.
                           Then my mind became silent and free, and there didst Thou reveal

                    Thyself in all Thy glory. Thy glory even before the world was and in the
                    Silence beyond Time I knew that we were one, O Great Eternal Reality.

                             MY PEACE AND MY LOVE REMAIN WITH YOU

                                                                              Yours very sincerely,

                                                                       Murdo MacDonald-Bayne

                    *  Digest version of Lecture #8 (9th June 1953) in the book “Wisdom is the Fountain of Life.”

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