P. 401

October 1953

                    My dear friends,

                           Here is a letter received this month which I am repeating in full to you
                    for it is just what I would like to say yet I would prefer another to say it.
                           “My dear friend, I am so glad that you call us my dear friends for that is

                    just what we are and I thus can speak for all those who receive your Monthly
                    Letters. Your Monthly Letters carry a wonderful message to the world. I often
                    think that if millions of these letters could be printed in different languages

                    all over the world, the world would change overnight. I would like to feel that
                    our group of enthusiasts is perhaps the most ardent workers for the day when
                    this wisdom will sweep the world. Your letters give us such wonderful

                    encouragement, the Truth revealed is so startling because it is so Real. For
                    when we see the false it will fall away and that which is true Being always
                    present will take Its place. This is the great beauty of your teaching, we do

                    not have to struggle, we just see the false, it drops from us and there is the
                    Real which we do not create. This is truly beautiful. God bless you for your
                    wonderful help to us all personally and for the help you have given to the
                    group, also for the help you are giving to others. Our love and best wishes

                    go out to you and the Sanctuary.” S.C.D. England.
                           I thought that this letter was one that you all would like to read and
                    I have repeated it in full instead of taking an extract from it.

                           An extract from another letter: “I have received your Monthly letters for
                    three years now. Words cannot express my gratitude for the help you have
                    given to me and mine. When we ask for help it is immediately given. Often
                    I feel as if you were in the room listening to my cry for help. May God

                    bless you always.” F.S. South Africa.

                                 THERE IS NO DEAD AMONG THE LIVING*

                                  “Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar,
                                    and there rememberest that thy brother hath

                                    ought against thee, leave there thy gift before
                                    the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to
                                    thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift.”

                                                               Matthew 5: 23-24.

                    *  See Notes page 405                  400
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