P. 403


                           Knowledge deals with facts, Wisdom is beyond facts. Wisdom is
                    creative, knowledge is created. Knowledge is of the mind, Wisdom is of
                    the Spirit. Spirit is now, It is Eternal. Knowledge is bit by bit. Wisdom frees us

                    from the conditioning process of knowledge.
                           Knowledge cannot free us, nor will it free the generations to come. We
                    should know now that knowledge cannot save us, only wisdom can. Unless
                    we discern the difference between knowledge and wisdom, we will never

                    realize the one Life that is present everywhere. It is all Wisdom and Intelli-
                    gence there is, and It is not divided, It is not isolating while knowledge is.
                           The great hindrance in Life is holding on to old fixed ideas, which

                    have long outlived their usefulness. As we begin to understand, we will
                    discard all ideas that are isolating and destroying. We will discard the ideas
                    of separate beliefs, of limited science, the belief in the power of man as a

                    separate entity. The belief that God inflicts man with all kinds of disease,
                    that God punishes man and that there is a hell and a devil and all the stupid
                    contraptions built up in the ignorant mind must be discarded.

                           Have we not held fast to the fixed ideas of the past and perpetuated
                    the errors that burden us? Are we to pass this burden on to the next generation?
                    We will do so, unless we begin to think for ourselves now and not follow
                    blind fools.

                           Wrong thinking will never bring about right thinking. We have accepted
                    the psychological junk that security is based upon, the expansion of the self.
                    This only separates man from man and limits his achievements. It makes

                    us fearful of another, it breaks down our health and sends thousands into
                    mental homes.
                           The Universal Mind is impersonal, undisturbed, fearless. It is Love,
                    Intelligence and Wisdom. The Universal Mind is the only mind there is, there

                    can be no other, It being Universal. To possess the qualities of the Universal we
                    must discern that which is hindering Its expression in us.
                           We are the receivers, the Universal Mind is the transmitter, when we

                    understand this we see why silence gives us tremendous power. When we
                    are Universal the Universal can work through us and this can be immediate
                    when we see that which is hindering It.

                           We can only realize the power of the Silence when the Silence is
                    reached. But the Silence is not reached through dreaming, nor is it reached
                    by concentration on an idea to the exclusion of all else. It comes into being

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