P. 408
“How hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter
Into the Kingdom of God.” Mark 10: 24.
We cannot live by ourselves, for the self is not Life, the self is a bundle
of reactions, thoughts, emotions, beliefs etc. We repeat the word “God” but
God is not the word “God,” the self is merely fed on words which condition
it. “It is the letter that killeth.”
The conditions which prevail in us are the result of home, business,
social environment and beliefs. All these you will see, if you begin to enquire,
are but the result of hereditary tendencies with countless thousands of impres-
sions, ideas and prejudices. Most of this is received from opinions, suggestions
and statements of those who are caught-up in the false and are ignorant of the
Truth, and we accept what they say without consideration or examination.
But when we are awake, alert, we begin to question the opinions of
others and when we begin to search their statements we find that they are
speaking from ignorance and imitation and not from Truth. Yet this is not
sufficient, we must question our own thought-feeling-reaction to see where it is
moving and what is the motive behind it.
Ideas presented to the conscious mind are received and passed on to
the subconscious. Immediately they are accepted or rejected, not because you
reason about them but because they are accepted or rejected, according to
your beliefs or ideas, but this is not understanding and that is why there is so
much confusion in the world today. But few want to see it because a belief
or an ideal is a reality to most people.
It is only when we see what our minds are made-up of, do we see how
stupid we are. We begin to see how our antagonism arises and how conflict
and war come about. It is all a matter of our mental make-up and how we
are conditioned.
Not only do we have war in the external but this confusion causes
war in the internal. These mental impulses are taken up by the sympathetic
nervous system and passed on to the physical body. We are today, because
of our thought-feeling of yesterday.
Is it not so that the self is a bundle of hates, envies, likes, and dislikes,
condemning, blaming, accepting and rejecting, without reason, just because of
* See Notes page 411