P. 407

November 1953

                    My dear friends,

                           Christmas is upon us once more and this reminds us of a child that
                    was born nearly two thousand years ago, a child that was destined to become a
                    world leader and the kind of leader we are looking for now, to lead us out

                    of our difficulties.
                           Yet to know that that Leader is still with us in the Ever-present is the
                    secret of our faith. The Mighty Power that was expressed through the man

                    of Galilee is the same Power now, Eternal and Ever-present.
                           God does not change, only man changes and it is his lack of under-
                    standing of that which is preventing that same Mighty Power from manifesting

                    now that is holding man from solving all his difficulties.
                           If you will study this carefully you will find the ways and means of
                    solving all your problems, for man—the self—is the problem, there is no other

                           A number of letters received this month have been of grateful thanks for
                    healing received through the Sanctuary. Here are just a few extracts:
                           “My father has been desperately ill for several months. Nothing we

                    could do seemed to alleviate his suffering. Then a friend of mine, who receives
                    your monthly letters, gave me some to read. I immediately wrote to you for
                    help and to our great surprise and joy my father recovered miraculously. Please
                    accept my grateful thanks for a wonderful healing.” A. McK. Transvaal,

                    South Africa.
                           “I cannot thank you enough for your instantaneous help. My sister,
                    as you know, met with an accident and was seriously injured. The doctor said

                    amputation would be necessary. After wiring you we received your comforting
                    letter stating that the healing power was in operation and amputation would
                    not be necessary. When I went to the hospital yesterday the doctor said that

                    there was such a remarkable improvement now that amputation would not
                    be necessary. How can we thank you, for words fail. God bless you and
                    the work of the Sanctuary for this wonderful healing.” T.S. Cape Province.

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