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                    formulation but as an actual Livingness, giving expression to Itself in Love
                    and affection. As long as we have only a mental image of Reality we will
                    never give expression to Reality in loving our neighbour as ourselves.

                           We must realize that we do not live by ourselves, it is Reality that
                    lives, therefore It is the foundation of our Being. When we have found the
                    source within we no longer look outside ourselves, neither do we build an
                    intellectual conception on the authority of another. Neither will we try to

                    corner Reality to gain health and success for we will know that Reality is
                    all, thus the inner will become the outer.
                           The surface consciousness is generally reacting to the external, and

                    gives names to the things it sees, but the name is not the thing itself. We
                    see shape and form but we do not know the substance, therefore we do not
                    understand what we see.

                           The statement that all is mind, that matter is mind materialized has
                    not been realized sufficiently to see what is behind the form and shape. When
                    this is realized as a “fact” and not an idea of a fact we will cease to make

                    ideas about it.
                           Man has split the atom, created great flying ships, has measured the
                    distance between the planets and is on the way to the moon, yet this will not
                    bring happiness and peace to the world for only the translation of Reality

                    into our daily living can do that.
                           We must discern from where our thought arises. If thought arises from
                    things around us, or from our conditioning, then our thoughts must cease to be

                    before the unknown comes into being. The source of our Being is God, then
                    we will know that the Father is in our consciousness and our consciousness is
                    the means through which the Father manifests. “It is the Father that doeth
                    the work.”

                           We must not lose ourselves in philosophies, in questioning others
                    on that which can only be realized by oneself. If I begin to philosophise to
                    you on the wonders of Reality you would only build up an idea of Reality

                    in your mind. But if you know that you are building up an idea of Reality
                    and know that Reality is not an idea, then you will realize Reality by your
                    living in the Presence, in the Ever-present, then you will be translating Reality

                    into your daily living.
                           God is Unknown and cannot be known, the moment you think you
                    know God, it is not God you know but an idea of God—a projected mental

                    image which hinders the discovery of the Unknown.

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