P. 393


                           Much of man’s fears are formed by his lack of understanding of the
                    materialized world that surrounds him. It is not the phenomena of the world
                    that we must ponder over but the power that lies behind these phenomena.

                    For this will bring us to the indwelling Life—the Presence of the Divine
                    Consciousness which is the cause of all perfect objective phenomena.
                           The cause behind form is more important than the form itself. The
                    indwelling Life Intelligence is the power behind all things, seen or unseen.

                    This Ever-present Divine Intelligence comes into Being immediately we
                    become unconditioned.
                           When Solomon asked only for wisdom he did not condition himself

                    and in his freedom all else was granted unto him. For surely the Divine is
                    all there is, “all that is thine is Mine and all that is Mine is thine.”
                           Immediately you become aware moment to moment, the Indwelling

                    Life, the Spiritual energies, begin to work outwardly, expressing themselves in
                    mind, body and circumstances.
                           Conditions are created by man himself through not understanding

                    himself. He misinterprets what the senses reveal so he reacts, conditioning
                    himself, and his thoughts, being the expression of his beliefs and ideas, his
                    conditioning leads him away from Reality.
                           The Cosmic Wholeness which occupies every atom of space is ready to

                    move through us when we free ourselves from our own conditioning. The
                    fullness of Its ever-increasing abundance is our complete joy of Living.
                           All is mind and within mind all matter and form is but a manifestation

                    of mind. A free unconditioned Consciousness is Divine, therefore Divine
                    Consciousness is the moving factor in man. Hence the Father doeth the work.
                           Without knowing yourself, merely to concentrate, to conform to a
                    pattern, to follow a system or to try and quiet the mind through discipline

                    only leads to further confusion. But when we begin to see the ways of our
                    own thought, without identification as when you are observing a bird or
                    somebody else, then in that awareness the responses of your conditioned

                    state come to light. In that spontaneity there is the discovery of yourself and the
                    more you are aware of the ways of the self without justification, without
                    condemning, the more there is freedom and in this freedom there is Reality.

                           In this conscious creative state sin and death are dissolved away,
                    and Life and immortality is brought to light in this Life here and now.
                           There is only “One” and there can be none other but “He” and to

                    love Him with all our heart we must of necessity first love our neighbour.

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