P. 388
JULY 1953
responsible for its actions. Are we not each one of us the outcome of each
other’s actions and reactions? What we see is the collective result of our
thoughts and actions, following a pattern in opposition to another.
No person or group or nation is separated from another, we are all
inter-related, we are one, whether we acknowledge it or not. We separate
ourselves to condemn or to praise.
The power to oppress is evil, and every group which is large and
well-organised becomes a potential evil. By shouting loudly enough about
the evil of others we overlook our own and the greatest evil is to kill another.
When we allow such an evil, we let loose countless minor disasters. Is it not a
fact that we do not condemn war, but those who are cruel in war? But war
is the foundation of cruelty.
In most individuals there is confusion, there is misery, there is struggle
between good and evil, not only in the individual but in the world which is
the extension of the individual. Therefore no one is secure in the dualistic
pattern. The important thing then is to find out our relationship to the whole
confusion, chaos and misery.
Is it not so that most of us desire the good and hate the evil? Yet hating
the evil does not dissolve the evil, but gives it a power that it does not possess.
The Eternal or whatever name you like to call It—God, Truth etc.,—is the
only power there is. All philosophers all religions have proclaimed it so,
yet have they found It? It cannot be found in a pattern, in a creed or a book,
or through another’s belief.
I want to show you the absurdity of those beliefs. A child is affected by
its parents belief in sickness, in dogma, in death which is real to them. This
belief is the enemy to health and happiness as slavery is to freedom, for man’s
belief in slavery and disease is colossal.
When people are sick I find them deep in the belief of their disease.
When I show them the error and convince them that it has no power of its
own they learn the truth and are free, for the Divine Intelligence is always
in operation. When we realize that, we die into Life and not into death, struggle
A belief in disease is like any other belief, so we accept the belief of
another, the blind lead the blind and we all fall into the ditch. A religious belief
in some outside God is the hardest to eliminate, because it is an inherited
belief. When we see how our beliefs come about we will discard them.