P. 392
The germ of the new heaven and new earth is maturing and is now
only waiting as St. Paul says, “for the manifestation of the sons of God to
follow up the principle of evolution into a further expansion of the glory
yet to be revealed.”
Man’s true state is realized through the truth of his being now, firstly
in the individual and then in the race.
It is in the understanding of relationship without condemning or
identifying ourselves with something or merely using our relationship as a
means of escape from ourselves that reveals our “Being.”
Relationship is a mirror in which I can see myself, but to see myself
directly is very unpleasant so I try to avoid it. But without relationship there can
be no Life for nothing can exist in isolation. Yet all our efforts are towards
becoming isolated, herein lies the conflict.
Relationship for most people is a process of self-isolation, self-enclosure,
which breeds friction, and with friction comes pain, suffering, unhappiness, so
we want to run away. We want to follow someone else to find release. We
try to live in the shadow of another or in a monastery or a philosophy etc.,
which further conditions us.
These things are all the same because they are merely escapes, because
we want to avoid seeing the cause which is ourselves. But the very running
away only creates further misery and confusion.
Our relationship is the mirror in which we can see ourselves clearly.
To see clearly there must be no condemnation, acceptance, resistance,
justification or identification.
Only when we are simply and freely aware, without conditioning,
can we observe not only the superficial reactions of the mind but also the
deep hidden reactions, then there is spontaneous release. But if the mind is
conditioned, shaped and bound there can be no spontaneity; therefore no
perception of the cause of conflict.
We now see that no one outside ourselves can give us freedom from
conflict and confusion. We try to hide behind a screen of words, follow a
religion, lose ourselves in a book etc., only to get lost in a maze of ideas of
It is only when we become aware of the process of our thinking and
that from which it arises, is it possible to understand and be free from that
friction which we seek to avoid.