P. 387

                           T H E   S A N C T U A R Y   O F   T H E   S I L E N T   H E A L I N G   P O W E R

                    for man and his thought are one, man’s thoughts are the result of his own
                    experiences, his beliefs and the acceptance of external suggestions.
                           When man transforms himself his thoughts will be in accordance with

                    that transformation. Therefore transformation is our first line of defence.
                           Matter is mind materialized, mind-substance is the basis of everything
                    you see and feel and what you see are merely effects. Cause is within, yet the
                    majority are reacting to effects everyday of their lives. When this is so there is

                    ignorance of the cause. Thus we are caught up in effects because we are not
                    wide awake, we are not discerning what our thoughts and reactions are.
                           Is it not so that we look to action according to a particular formula, a

                    theory? One pattern of action here and another there, so we choose the one
                    which suits us because of suggestions that come from without. There can be no
                    transformation within when this conditioning exists, so we act according to the

                    pattern laid down that suits us according to our ideals, which are generally a
                    protection for the self. So we are faced with the problem of killing our brother
                    in the name of religion, of peace, of a country and so on. We will not find

                    the answer in further conflicting and opposing forces.
                           The true answer is not to be found in the dualistic pattern of thought.
                    We kill because our property, our safety, our prestige is threatened, as with
                    individuals so with groups and with nations. To be free from violence and

                    non-violence there must be freedom from acquitiveness, ill-will and the rest.
                    Because we do not go into the problem deep enough we are satisfied with
                    reform, with alterations, within the pattern of duality. So within the pattern

                    we try to bring about a modification, a change, so we manoeuvre to a better
                    position, to a more advantageous point for ourselves. Change within the
                    pattern only creates further confusion and pain and further disintegration.
                           We must go beyond the pattern of duality to solve the problem of opposites.

                    Within the pattern there is no truth, however much we may try to capture
                    it. If we seek Truth in the pattern we will be led to too many delusions.
                           We must go beyond the pattern of opposites, of the I and not-I, the

                    possessor and the possessed for beyond and above the endless conflict of
                    duality and opposites lies truth and creative understanding.
                           This is to be experienced, not to be speculated upon, not to be formu-

                    lated, but to discern through deep awareness these dualistic hindrances. Thus
                    we can experience and not merely make it an intellectual argument.
                           The judge is as guilty as the accused! Each one of us has built up this

                    civilization, each one has contributed towards its misery, each one of us is

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