P. 386
JULY 1953
It is more important to experience what is said in these Letters than
to discuss merely on the verbal level. What we are aiming at is to experience in
the deeper strata of consciousness rather than to superficially discuss whether
ideas themselves are true or not, for ideas will not transform the self nor will
they bring peace and harmony.
Ideas will never transform the self or the world. Outward transformation
comes only when there is an inward transformation through experience. To
merely try to eliminate from our minds, bodies and circumstances adverse
conditions without inward transformation is useless. Is it not the general practice
to try and place health, happiness and abundance in the place of ill-health,
unhappiness and lack? But this is living in opposites, reverting from one to
the other.
When you switch the electricity on you expect the light, so it is with
the Life within, we do not create the light, the light is the electricity, so is
Life the light in man. We do not create Life, Life is and it is to experience
Life that is essential, and not the placing of a positive in the place of a
negative which is merely a conflict of opposites.
Therefore it is not a superficial change that is needed but a radical
transformation which is so essential in the individual and the world, which is
rapidly disintegrating. Unless there is this profound experiencing of Life Itself
there can be no awareness. Without awareness our minds are bound by the
paralyzing suggestions that come to us from the crude thinking of the race,
suggestions that are accepted and acted upon without question. Are we not
subject to these paralyzing suggestions continuously? We accept without question
and act on these suggestions with disastrous results.
Impressions of fear, worry, disability and infirmity are given to us daily,
the effects are sufficient to cause much sickness, misery and unhappiness. But
if we can be wide awake we can discern our thinking and thereby transform
the inner. But to try and think the opposite while we accept these suggestions is
pure ignorance.
The Ever-present Reality is always present and It Itself is expressing
Itself, therefore there is no need to cause a conflict and confusion of opposites,
but this truth has not yet penetrated the consciousness of man.
Modern Science has revealed that light and sound are simply different
intensities of motion, so are the thoughts of mankind different intensities of
motion, self-created. To merely separate man from his thought is useless