P. 381
“And what I say unto you I say unto all ‘watch’” Mark l3:37.
In understanding relationship which is the conduct between human
beings whether intimate or foreign, whether close or far away, we will begin to
understand the whole process of existence.
Our relationship at present is a process of isolation and therefore a
constant conflict. By isolation I mean that we are all the time seeking security,
gratification and power and where there is the desire for security, for protection,
whether it be between individuals or groups or nations, there must be isolation
and isolation invites conflict.
Anything that resists is bound to create conflict between itself and that
which it resists, and since most of our relationship is a form of resistance
we create a society which breeds conflict within and without.
So let us examine relationship as it actually works in our lives. Our actions,
our thought-feelings, our motives and intentions bring about relationship with
one another whether it be an individual, groups or nations.
When we talk about independence we wave the flag with all the
rest of the propaganda that makes for isolation, and unless we examine our
relationship we cannot reveal ourselves to ourselves.
Now, if we examine our relationship with another we will see that it
is a process of isolation, we are really not concerned with the other, though
we talk a great deal about it, actually we are not concerned with the other
at all.
Our relationship to another exists as long as that relationship gratifies our
needs, our wishes, as long as it gives us refuge, but the moment there is a
disturbance in that relationship, which produces discomfort, we discard that
relationship. The fact is that our relationship exists as long as we are gratified.
This may sound very harsh but is nevertheless true, for when we examine our
actions and thought-feelings very closely we see how true it is, and to ignore
this fact is to live in ignorance, which can never produce right relationships.
So when we look into our actions and thought-feelings we see that
we are building a resistance against another. No matter now many groups
you form for the advancement of man, the same conditioning exists. So we
create division between us and the other, in either a psychological division,
a material division, an economic division or a national or group division. As