P. 376
MAY 1953
would make it relative, that is why I cannot tell you what it is, even while you
are reading this you are trying to make an image of it. But if you can stop your
thought-process you will find that which is beyond your thought-process,
you will begin to “understand.”
Your thinking or thought-process arises from memory and experience,
you can only think about what you know, your experiences, your hopes, your
ideas, your memories etc., but you cannot think about that which you do
not know, therefore when you stop thinking and speculating about that which
is beyond, “awareness” comes in the silence of the mind.
This then is the Real you, that is Eternal and Ever-present, but immedi-
ately you begin to think about it, don’t you see you make it relative again?
It becomes an image, an idea in the mind.
Life is serious, Life is very earnest. It is only the empty- headed and
the dull at heart who are trivial and if you are bored with the serious things
of Life it indicates your immaturity.
Life and death is a question with which everyone is concerned, no
matter who they are, from Kings and Queens down to the most humble in
the land.
One may be a high official of the church or of the nation or of the world
with titles, wealth, position and a red carpet etc., but there is the inevitable
end of it all—physical death. So most people are desirous of a continuity not
of Life Itself but of the relative world—but physical death puts an end to it.
Do you understand what I mean now by the “relative”?
Unless we can have true values we are lost in the relative, all our
thought-processes will not discover the Real. So the problem is how to
have continuity in spite of death.
Now you want an assurance from me! If I do not assure you, you go to
someone else or to your books or to the various other forms of distraction
for an escape.
This is the eternal problem that eludes the mind and because the minds
of the majority are clogged with images and ideas and beliefs the awareness
of Reality is submerged, so the task is to free Reality from images, ideas
and beliefs that clog the mind.
These images are the prison walls that we create for ourselves. The only
escape is to discern them, and all that is in the mind before we can under-
stand what it is, but few have the capacity to do so. Yet it must be done by