P. 378
MAY 1953
Creativeness, which is myself, is never separated from the mighty
Intelligence which is behind all Creation. It is my active partner with a knowing
how, out-picturing what I am aware of—this is creation. Creator and creation
are not separate, the cause and effect are one.
When we see the effect we know the cause and when we are aware
of the cause we know what the effect is going to be.
This is the self-revealing process of Reality, it fulfils the direction of
the consciousness, and the consciousness of man can be none other than
the Consciousness of God, God being omnipresent and omnipotent and
omniscient. Therefore the Universe is ready to fulfil what you are aware
of, “whatsoever I ask of the Father He will do so unto me.”
No one knows what electricity is, but we know that it is, for we see
the manifestation of electricity in the form of power, also in the form of lights,
millions of them in the city, but only one electricity behind them all. This
electricity responds to our direction when we follow out its law of operation.
Here we see an Intelligence in action which is automatic in nature when
we act on the law upon which it operates. This is the Universal Intelligence
in which we exist, and we consciously or unconsciously direct this mighty
power into operation, for and against us according to our understanding.
Is it not necessary then to know that which is false so that our consciousness
will not be caught up in reaction to effects external to ourselves? We know that
we cannot destroy matter, we also know that we cannot destroy energy, but we
can direct it so that it can transform matter.
We learn that the mighty Intelligence is automatic and responds to the
direction of the consciousness. When you are consciously creative the Intelligence
automatically out-pictures the creation. Yet the form can be transformed through
a change in consciousness in regard to it.
When awareness of the self is realized, things no longer matter very
much. Conflicts which were once a reality to you no longer exist now. For
the Real Self expresses itself in Love, Wisdom and Power and is capable
of solving all problems.
“Love never disappears. As for prophesying, it will be superseded;
as for ‘tongues’ they will cease; as for knowledge, it will be superseded. For we
only know bit by bit, and we only prophesy bit by bit; but when the perfect
comes, the imperfect will be superseded.” 1 Cor. 13: 8-10.