P. 382

JUNE 1953

                    long as we live behind any of these divisions there can be no relationship
                    with the other.
                           We think we are secure but our security is an illusion. Is it not because

                    there is so much misery, war and destruction in the world, that we want to
                    escape and live in that so-called security behind a group or a group of nations
                    etc? So our relationship becomes a process of isolation. That is exactly what is
                    happening throughout the world today.

                           Nations and groups have been formed and reformed with governments,
                    armies etc., and we call it a brotherhood, we call it unity for world peace. This
                    is impossible as long as we have frontiers, whether it be national, economic,

                    religious or social, it is an obvious fact that there can be no peace.
                           Apparently some of you have not yet searched deep enough within
                    your own minds to see what you are doing. You are still relying on some

                    external group to bring about this so-called peace you so ardently seek. You are
                    just looking outside yourselves for the answer which will never come.
                           If our own relationship is isolation how can there be true relationship

                    in the world? What the individual is, so the world is.
                           I am writing this lesson for the express purpose of clarifying what
                    I have said in the past and to make it clear to you that true relationship begins
                    with you and not outside yourselves.

                           We isolate ourselves because we want power, individual or national.
                    The desire for power is separation. If we dominate another, whether it be in the
                    home or the office or in the nation, we create an established society which

                    is based upon power which creates resistance and conflict. The very desire for
                    power, for domination, is isolation. So we are isolating ourselves, thereby
                    creating resistance.
                           I can only show you what you are doing, and if you yourselves do not

                    see what you are doing then there is no hope for the world or the individual
                    that is isolated. So if we want a world of peace, where there is no destruction,
                    no appalling misery, if we want peace for the individual and the world we

                    must understand this one fundamental question of relationship.
                           Let it be clear now to you all that as long as you, the individual, seeks
                    power, however much or however little, whether it be Prime Minister or

                    Governor, merely employer or employee, a husband or a wife in the home,
                    that is as long as you desire the sense of domination or compulsion, the
                    sense of holding power, surely you are bound to create a society which is

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