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                    yourself and yourself alone before freedom comes, and when you are free
                    from all that hinders the expression of Reality, there is “awareness,” the Real
                    Self is revealed through awareness. Your Real Self is also within every other

                    Self for there is no separation in Reality. “I am in you, you are in me and
                    we are in the Father,” “the Father and I are one.”
                           This Wisdom can only come when the outer self has dissolved away
                    with all its appendages of hate, envy, greed and superstition. This self is the

                    foundation of separation which is false, having no existence in Reality.
                           Now, when you try to free some people they only create more images,
                    images of themselves as this and that. It is that which creates the image that is

                    Real. Consciousness is creative, Consciousness is cause! And Consciousness
                    alone has awareness, but you cannot discern or analyze consciousness, it
                    always recedes and what you are analyzing or discerning is relative.

                           An image has no awareness, has it? Images change, do they not? and
                    the point is lost again! It is not by thought-process that Reality is reached but
                    through deep discernment of that which is not Reality. Then the realization

                    of your awareness, your Real Self, takes place. Now, do not try and make an
                    image of it, because it is not an image. It is “Yourself,” the Real you! “I am
                    the Life,” “the Father and I are one.” This is not an image in my mind but
                    a complete realization of my oneness with the Father.

                           When you analyze anything you create images about it, but what you
                    analyze or create images about is relative and not Realty. Images are of the
                    mind, but Reality is beyond mind. What is in the mind has a beginning and an

                    ending, but Reality is Eternal and Ever-present.
                           Yet images do not bind you if you are ready to change them at any
                    moment, when new knowledge comes along. But images have no power
                    of their own but will bind you when you believe in them. Images, ideas and

                    beliefs will die and fade away, but that which creates remains Eternally and
                    Ever-present. You can go on analyzing till doomsday but that will not lead
                    to the Real, because you will be caught up in your analysis. In discerning

                    the false we must not be caught up in that discernment but be able to stand
                    aside and watch the process taking place.
                           Therefore to be aware is not to have an image of yourself but a realization

                    of your true self and not a separate self. This comes only when you have
                    eliminated all images, ideas and beliefs in a God outside yourselves.

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