P. 372

APRIL 1953

                    what you are, and to understand what you are brings freedom, freedom
                    from fear of what you are or what is.
                           Virtue is not a matter of time. Virtue is freedom, immediate release—is

                    this a matter of time? Are you kind, generous, affectionate through the
                    process of time? Will you be kind the day after tomorrow? Can kindness
                    be thought of in terms of time? Affection, mercy, generosity are the true
                    expression of Life, they are the only solution for all our problems, but our

                    so-called virtue cannot solve any problems, therefore there is no virtue in
                    “becoming” only in “Being.”
                           Can you say that you have goodwill towards all? But goodwill is

                    essential, otherwise we can never solve our problems. Have your politicians,
                    your leaders, both in religion and commerce goodwill towards all? If they
                    have not goodwill how can their followers have goodwill towards all? Then

                    is the use of conferences and the like, without goodwill which is real affection
                    and without it we can never solve our problems.
                           So most of us, like politicians and the vast majority of humans, are

                    unkind. They have not got the goodwill that is the only solution to all problems.
                    Since they have not got goodwill it cannot be a mere question of time whether
                    there will be goodwill tomorrow or ten years hence.
                           Now if kindness and mercy are not a matter of time, why is it that we

                    are not kind now? If we can understand why we are not kind, this under-
                    standing being immediate, now, we shall be kind immediately, now. Then
                    we will forget what nationality we are, to what religion we belong, what

                    our differences are, we will immediately be generous and kind.
                           My intention to be kind is futile if I do not know the cause of my
                    unkindness. Therefore I must know the whole process of my thinking, and
                    upon what my thoughts are built. When I see the falseness of the structure, it

                    will immediately fall away, so the study of oneself becomes more important
                    than becoming virtuous.
                           The world, which is the self, can only be raised in consciousness, in

                    the first instance, by the action of the individual. Then the seeker who seeks out
                    his or her own hindrances, is helping humanity and will attain the Christ
                    Consciousness now in performing a significant part in bringing nearer the

                    Kingdom of God on Earth.
                           “He who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy
                    of me; he who loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy

                    of me. . .” Matthew 10: 37

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